Even if you have to lose, you have to fight

Jalyn 2022-04-19 09:02:43

I want to say that this is not a gay film, but more of a friendship. It is a growth-themed film in which teenagers with similar values ​​support and recognize each other in a special environment, and then make the same choice. It's just that in this era when everything is corrupt, such a good-looking little fresh meat, coupled with a significant tendency to attack and suffer, isn't it!

The film itself probably doesn't deserve four stars, but it seems unreasonable not to give four stars, even if I am biased!

The reason why I chose such a title is because this is my first thought after watching it. No matter how the protagonist chooses, he cannot escape the fate of failure or destruction. The director is already very kind in the ending of the film. You know, it’s easy to learn from hindsight, but in the 1930s and 1940s, Nazism, like socialism and capitalism, was an important attempt of human beings in national politics, and even had certain advantages, and the film is based on Nazism. Germany in the background.

Male One Friedrich's Revolt

Drop your fist and break with the Nazis

The first time Friedrich rebelled was his father, who seemed a bit dictatorial, who was adamantly opposed to his entry into training camp. Like every young man full of passion, the male protagonist forged his father's signature and left a message "If you dare to take me back, I will write your big-character poster", are you familiar with it?

The second time Friedrich resisted was the coach, the absolutely shameless coach, the coach who humiliated his classmates.

The third and final resistance was against the whole system. Friedrich dropped his fists in the ring, facing his original opponent, after which he was stripped and left school naked, full of symbolism.

Male Second Albrecht's Revolt


Albrecht's role is not very clear at first, a second-generation official, like literature, eager to get the approval of his parents, very boring, but once he starts to resist, he is resolute and violent. After the massacre of Soviet prisoners of war, Albrecht's first rebellion began - picking up the pen and revealing the truth. This is the most feared thing of all authoritarian regimes, and it also led to a resolute counterattack from his father - sending him to the battlefield. In this way, no one expected that Albrecht, with a weak appearance, chose the most decisive way of resistance-say goodbye to this world. When Friedrich swam up from another section of the ice cave, Albrecht sank from this section. It can be said that without Albrecht's guidance, Friedrich might have given up his humanity and turned into an executioner.

Finally, I would like to talk about a sacrifice in the film - Zig, a boy who was insulted for wetting the bed used his body to suppress the grenade, protected his classmates well, and became a hero of the Nazis. But, how ironic, what I saw in his eyes at that moment was relief, finally no need to face the night, no need to be insulted again for not being able to take out Money!

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Extended Reading

Before the Fall quotes

  • Christoph Schneider: Pull yourself together!

    Albrecht Stein: Pull myself together? Do you know what we just did? You shouldn't have shot! You shouldn't have shot!

    Tjaden: I didn't give the order. Your father said they had guns!

    Albrecht Stein: Why are you looking at me like that?

    Friedrich Weimer: I'm not looking at you.

    Albrecht Stein: I know what you're thinking. Don't look at me like that!

  • Albrecht Stein: [reading from his essay] "As childish as it sounds, the winter time and the sight of freshly fallen snow always fill us with inexplicable joy. Perhaps because as children, we associated it with Christmas. I always imagine myself the hero who killed dragons, rescued virgins, and freed the world from evil. As we went out yesterday to find the prisoners, I felt like that little boy who wanted to save the world."

    Vogler: Albrecht, stop.

    Albrecht Stein: But as we returned, I understood that I am part of the evil that I wanted to save us from.

    Vogler: Albrecht, stop.

    Albrecht Stein: Shooting prisoners is wrong. They were not armed, as Governor Stein told us, to incite us. We didn't shoot men, only children.

    Vogler: Out!