horror marriage life

Destin 2022-04-21 09:03:46

The film was made in the 1970s, when my parents were still married on a blind date for the purpose of inheriting the family, and they were planning to have children. Some people were even suffering because they couldn't find a daughter-in-law. Very suitable for large scenes of marriage horror. The entanglement of marriage between men and women in higher vocational Kochi. The movie presents a part of the real, but also very magical, the two are always sticky, heartbroken and tortured, so that when the two got married and then cheated on each other, they only felt frightened and could not feel what love was. It's like a conquering and being conquered, a slaughter and masochism, which is disgusting and tiresome, making people feel that reason is a stupid behavior in the emotional world. Don't take blindness as malicious. Blindness is ignorance and stupidity. Since marriage can’t be escaped, people have to get married when they reach a certain age, and they’re tired of living with anyone anyway. Anyway, even if they are financially independent, they will be empty, cheating, and seeking excitement. Then the essence of marriage is Maybe it was invented to protect children, but it can only be material. It is very frustrating in China to even associate divorce with shame, rather than a good solution that minimizes harm.

Pretend that everything is fine, it can't be. People who face life directly are ruthless and refreshing. Fortunately, the men and women in the movie have been expressing, trying to make the other party understand that I am right, what am I thinking, how I feel, or at least honesty. The numbness is heart-wrenching when you model your life. You can love, you can get married, you can divorce, but you can't lose yourself. The heroine can do her job well, but she is emotionally frightened and cowardly, so she forces herself to maintain harmony on the surface, optimism in her words, and in her bones and in her body, she has reached the truth that she can't help but bounce when she touches it. The final ending is like a hilarious mystery, what is it that makes love disappear and makes love burn?

Is it sex or faith? If it is sex, human beings are not sex for reproduction anymore. Genetic design is like this, and it has nothing to do with love, whether it is dopamine or oxytocin, people who are trying to sober up in marriage, and people who have high expectations for others are all painfully. There is no answer, the tragedy is too similar, it has not stopped, it has been staged, and it has been awakening.

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Scenes from a Marriage quotes

  • Johan: I don't know what my love looks like, and I can't describe it. Most of the time I can't feel it.

  • Marianne: Are we living in utter confusion?

    Johan: You and I?

    Marianne: No, all of us.

    Johan: What do you mean?

    Marianne: I'm talking about fear, uncertainty and ignorance.Do you think that secretly we're afraid we're slipping downhill and don't know what to do?

    Johan: Yes, I think so.

    Marianne: Is it too late?

    Johan: Yes. But we shouldn't say things like that. Only think them.

    Marianne: Have we missed something important?

    Johan: All of us?

    Marianne: Yes...