Explain in detail why the Nazis had to "bath" and cut their hair before killing Jews, instead of killing them directly!

Kailyn 2022-04-23 07:06:07

Some people questioned why in the film, in order to kill the Jews, they tricked the Jews into taking a bath and cutting their hair. This is true in history. Let me explain why the Jews were persecuted at that time.

Why did the Nazis persecute Jews in Germany?

War needs money, where does the money come from, and the country. However, at that time, the Nazi organization in Germany had no money, and the wealthy people in society were basically Jews. They opened banks, factories, jewelry stores in Berlin, and many of the richest people in Germany were Jewish. However, the laws of capitalist society protect private property, and it is impossible to pass legislation to claim other people's property. So the Nazis began to fool the common people not to go to Jewish stores to buy things, deliberately hinder Jewish business, and then buy Jewish property at low prices. business, and so on. But the effect is too slow. It is said above that this is so hard to do until the year of the monkey, so there is a famous event called "Crystal Night". All Jewish shops in Berlin were smashed by the Nazis overnight, and the shattered glass glittered under the neon lights. All Jewish shops were closed, all Jews had to live together, only one handbag was allowed, no more than five kilograms, and all the others were confiscated. drive them out of their homes. This is a further escalation of the persecution of the Jews, purely for the sake of property. Mandatory agreements are made for wealthy people to hand over their property, and your family can save their lives and send you to Switzerland. (Because the assets of the big capitalists are basically in foreign banks, the Nazis have to ask for this money.) In fact, it is kidnapping. This history can be seen in "Schindler's List". Many very rich Jews escaped because of this, and the poor and powerless are always the worst! Looking at history no matter what era, this seems to be the truth. The movie "2012" has been interpreted very profoundly. The deprivation of property and status is a step-by-step escalation of human deprivation. Then began to build concentration camps. The early concentration camps only detained some Germans and reactionaries from other parties who opposed the Nazis. Later, when Jews were concentrated in the concentration camps, the concentration camps needed to be expanded, and the expansion needed to recruit guards, so they recruited some social dregs. The SS, so in the film about the young captain's visit to the concentration camp, the guard commander at the time was suspicious but did not dare to ask more. At that time, there were too many young gangsters like this who suddenly became officials. Later, wherever the Nazis went, not only in Germany, but also in France and other places, they would build concentration camps for the slaughter of Jews.

What to do with these Jews?

At the beginning, it was a shooting, and the Jews were asked to dig the pit themselves. After digging, they went inside. The Nazis shot the solution, and then the people behind them filled in the soil. The Nazis just had to bury the last man. But this speed is too slow. When will the millions of Jews in Europe be killed with guns? And bullets were a war resource at that time, and it was a waste. The leader of the SS, Himmler, was horrified when he saw the execution of the Jews. It was too bloody and too cruel. He ordered that a more efficient method be found, one that would kill a large number of Jews at one time. In a scenic area in Berlin, a conference called "Wansee Conference" was held. Finally, an order was issued, called "Final Solution". It was decided to physically exterminate all Jews in Europe. It was executed by Colonel Eichmann of the SS, and it was he who proposed the use of poison gas, which could kill people in large numbers at one time. So began to do experiments, Auschwitz concentration camp is the most successful.

After the bloody massacre in Auschwitz, you will know why you have to cut your hair and take a bath after learning about this history.

Everywhere the Nazis went, Jews arrested were loaded onto trains and sent to concentration camps. The death train could drive directly to the gate of the concentration camp. The big iron gate said "Labor makes people free". In fact, they died as soon as they entered. When people got off the train, the Nazi Party began to pick these people. The elderly and children were sent directly to the gas chambers. The craftsmen stayed. The carpenters, gold and silversmiths, blacksmiths and other skilled craftsmen stayed. The musicians stayed for the job. The Nazis sang and played to Qu'er or something. Stay. In the film, in the cafeteria, two people took the initiative to perform a humorous play and said that they were actors, which also reflected this historical fact. There are also young women who stay and work. The old, the young, the sick, the disabled, and the pregnant go directly to the gas chamber, and there will be no delay in a day. The gas chamber can't be written as a gas chamber. It is disguised as a bathroom, and then a group of people, men, women and children, go in to bathe and disinfect. The film probably obscures some moral aspects, so only women were filmed to focus on "bathing". Germans are very strict, pay special attention to details and classification, and ask Jews who take a bath to put their shoes, socks, trousers, clothes, hats, and scarves in the designated positions. In fact, it is to facilitate unified collection, throw away the broken ones, and sterilize the good ones, and then distribute them to German residents for use. Because Jews were generally rich and poor, these clothes were unaffordable for German residents at that time, so the Germans at that time were also very cold-blooded and numb, and they accepted these "relics" happily, pretending they didn't know anything. At this point, even the last lingerie of the Jews will be regarded as a contribution to Germany. But not fully contributed yet. Everyone was dumbfounded as soon as they entered~ How could there be men, women and children bathing naked together, but it was too late, and the poison gas (Zyklon B gas) was released while still in shock. Then the Nazis started Dispose of these bodies.

What to do with the dead body?

Check to see if there are any gold teeth in your mouth. Those with gold teeth will be pried off to make rings, whether there are tattoos on their bodies, and if there are some, they will be peeled off to make gloves and lampshades. The hair was cut and woven into the carpet. When the Soviet Red Army occupied Auschwitz, there were seven tons of hair from those who were too late to transport them away. Two million pairs of shoes that were too late to be transported away. The remaining fat is dissolved to make soap. The rest is bone slag, which is burned into ashes and sprinkled into the fields as fertilizer. The Germans are industrially developed, and murder is an assembly line. All the Jews disappeared in a day, as if they had never been in the world. When the Red Army liberated the camp, all they saw were the moving skeletons that had not arrived and were dealt with.

Most people may have seen the great factory owner and savior of Jews in Schindler's List. In fact, there is also a Schindler in China, his name is He Fengshan. The consulate in Vienna signed 5,000 visas to allow the Jews to arrive in Shanghai safely. All Jews are grateful to the Chinese.

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  • Willi Herold: My father always said, "If you've done something wrong, then at least admit it."