Take back control! Yet?

Monty 2022-04-21 09:03:09

Rating: 8 points. For a person who is not very concerned about Brexit, after watching this film, I understand some things about Brexit. Now the news is saying that the Brexit plan has been denied many times, and Europe is also preparing for a no-deal Brexit. Watching this film again, I really feel a little special.

It's all personal thoughts and feelings about watching the movie, don't spray it.

I used to think that the people who control the fate of the country should be those in suits and leather shoes, with spotless shoes, eating high-quality ingredients, drinking famous wines that were higher than Lafite in 1982, smoking cigarettes and drinking wine , can control the situation and fate of a country.

After watching this movie, I realized that changing a country may be just a plain-looking ordinary person who you can't even recognize on the road.

The protagonist Dom, played by the curly Fu who lost his hair. He is a paranoid with a somewhat annoying personality. I have worked as a campaign consultant many times, but because of character problems and bad reputation, I haven't taken over the job for two years. I want to use Brexit to give myself a chance to turn around. After the final Brexit referendum was successful, he did not cheer for the fate of leaving the EU, but quietly packed his things and left the office. This shows that he does not care why he wants to leave the EU and what the impact of leaving the EU will be. , he just wanted to prove himself.

1. Referendum? joke!

1. Put the problem into a simple binary opposition. There is one point in the movie that is very well said. Brexit was originally a mistake. It turned a very complex and multi-dimensional political issue into a binary issue of blue or red, black or white. Although the final result is the binary opposition of "getting off or staying", this kind of black and white is a judgment method that only children have to decide a politics with complex interests and thousands of emotions intertwined. Problems will inevitably lead to loopholes in the final result. However, the question of whether to leave or stay does shows that the collective attractiveness of the EU has declined, with many problems and restrictions. But if you want to live a collective life, you have to sacrifice a little autonomy.

2. Public opinion is easily manipulated. What affects the future of a country is the vote of the citizens, so what affects the vote of the referendum? Is your life and interests affected? People tend to attribute the failure to the outside world, so the failure of their own life, the miscalculation of interests, and the failure of work can all be blamed on the EU. Did they really think it was the EU's problem, or did someone make them think it was the EU's problem? The emotions caused by these complex social reasons have not been vented for a long time. Brexit has given them a window to vent. The Brexiteers only need to guide this backlog of emotions to the issue of Brexit, and everything can explode. The people are not rational, and their emotions can easily be incited, so public opinion can easily be manipulated.

3. People who manipulate public opinion are sometimes not responsible for the outcome. When officials from the Remainers campaigned for votes, they told representatives from all walks of life that the data of the Brexiteers were false, and the problems mentioned by the representatives were actually being resolved by laws and measures. But the representatives did not believe it, which shows the credibility of the British ZF. However, in this regard, keyboard warriors who have read a lot of online conspiracy theories will not believe any official news. Going back to this theme, for the Brexiteers, this canvassing campaign has its own tricks, Dom wants to get back together, and technology companies want to use this campaign to become their big data testing ground. Everyone has a purpose, but everyone's purpose has nothing to do with the destiny of the country. The voting is over, the birds and beasts are scattered, and the final mess is left to ZF to clean up. Cameron said, "This country needs a new leader." Although he was humming a little tune, he must be scolding MMP in his heart! Now the UK is struggling to leave the EU, Aunt May is heartbroken to pass the Brexit plan, and Europe is also preparing to deal with the no-deal Brexit. I wonder how the voters at that time would feel when they saw the current situation in the UK?

2. Even state agencies must keep pace with the times

The film repeatedly shows the disconnect between traditional campaign and modernity. Meeting with the people to show closeness to the people, giving speeches to call on the people, and calling on representatives of the classes to understand the people's thoughts... In this day and age, people don't even bother to meet ordinary friends, let alone politicians? The YouTube videos are boring and no one is watching, let alone listening to a speech? Shopping websites all guide you what you need to think, what do you need to ask in person? Obviously, the behavior of the officials in the European faction in the film is everyone's stereotype of state organs: following the rules, not thinking about progress, and being backward in ideas. This is also the reason why the Remainers failed so much. The advancement of science and technology has allowed people to see Kennedy's high-spirited appearance during the campaign, and thus vote for Kennedy. Technology affects politics all the time. Therefore, understanding and supervision of technology cannot be lacking at any time.

3. Once Pandora's Box is opened, it will be out of control

Joe Cox was assassinated. He wanted to unite the will of the citizens of the country through a referendum, but the differences among the citizens were growing. The Remain official and Dom were drinking together, and neither of them thought the incident would turn out like this. "Once Pandora's box is opened, it can't be closed again." In the end, things finally became more and more uncontrollable. Brexiteer's Slogan: "Take control back!". So has the control of the country, the public opinion of the people, and the destiny of the country been taken back?

In the end, Dom said when questioned that he was resetting the country. And elections, just restarting the program over and over again, will not solve the underlying problem. Therefore, the self-reform of the knife edge inward is still very necessary!

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Extended Reading

Brexit quotes

  • Dominic Cummings: Let me tell you who we're up against. Who are setting themselves up over the river to destroy us.

    [scene cuts to Vote Remain offices as he continues]

    Dominic Cummings: Lucy Thomas, ex-producer of BBC's Newsnight program, so she'll know how to handle the press. Director of the campaign, Will Straw, son of Jack. Failed his MP race in 2015, typical establishment thinker: "If it didn't work the first time, try it again". You got Ryan Coetzee, director of strategy, he's Nick Clegg's former special advisor.

    Nigel Farage: Labour and Lib-Dem hate each other post-coalition. That won't work!

    Dominic Cummings: Oh, yeah, no, it's a proper left and center-left love-in. You've got the Greens and the Welsh, but none as interesting as these. The one true enemy they both share...

    Matthew Elliott: Tories.

    Dominic Cummings: The Number Ten machine, headed up by, trumpets please

    [blows raspberry]

    Dominic Cummings: Craig Oliver!

    Nigel Farage: Cameron's communication director.

    Dominic Cummings: A position held as we know by a long succession of bastards - Campbell, Coulsen. This one's more out of the limelight, ostensibly in control and composed. He's furiously loyal to his boss and I can tell you that we, uh, well we have a little history.

    [cut back to Vote Remain offices]

    Craig Oliver: Dominic Cummings is basically mental. We had to all but ban him from Number Ten. He's desperate to be seen as this visionary architect of a new world order, but actually, he's just an egotist with a wrecking ball. It does however mean that he's, well, he's unpredictable.

    [cut back to Vote Leave offices]

    Dominic Cummings: I know how to beat Oliver. Conventional wisdom is a disease that the British are peculiarly susceptible to, and he certainly hasn't been inoculated.

  • Dominic Cummings: [scene cuts between the two offices of Vote Leave and Vote Remain as they write out strategy] We also know that the other side are gonna run a campaign the way that campaigns have been run for pretty much the last 70 years. They're gonna fight from the center, and they're gonna make it about jobs and the economy.

    Andrew Cooper: We focus on the economy and jobs. The message: leaving risks both.

    Craig Oliver: Clinton '92. Best campaign ever. "It's the economy, stupid".

    Andrew Cooper: You define your opponent as the riskier option, and though the change candidate might initially poll well, come election day the nerves kick in. Voters revert back to center. Law of political science - if the status quo are ahead before the campaign begins, which we are, they always win on the day. So...

    Douglas Carswell: So, what's our answer?

    Dominic Cummings: Tzu's "The Art of War". If we fight them on home terrain, they will win. So what we need to do is lead them to the ninth battlefield. The deadly ground where no one expects to find themselves. Outcome? *They* perish.

    Victoria Woodcock: Which means?

    Dominic Cummings: You reverse the proposition. We make *them* the risky option. To stay is to risk losing more of the things we cherish - we're asking voters not to reject the status quo, but to return to it, to independence. How much does it cost us each week to be members of the EU?

    Daniel Hannan: In the region of...

    Dominic Cummings: What's our researcher's name?

    Matthew Elliott: Richard.

    Dominic Cummings: Ricardo, will you get me all the figures up for how much it costs to be members of the EU for a week? Largest one wins.

    Matthew Elliott: Make sure it's verifiable!