"Try as he might. This gracious noble lord. Who lifts his pen. And thinks he then can write. Cannot, for who can pen. When he is bored. The mind of leisure only can be trite. This pretty knight who feebly lifts his sword. To make a witless thrust against his doom. Is foiled by what his noble birth affords. Dogs, dogs more dogs and far too many rooms. So fortune smiles on those that own the land. And frowns at the trivia from the dabblers hand.”
“Same person. No difference at all. Just a different sex.”
"A little learning is a dangerous thing."
"she's lived for four hundred years and hardly aged a day. And because this is England. Everyone pretends not to notice. But she has changed. She is no longer trapped by destiny. And, ever since she let go of the past. She found her life was beginning.”
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