Drama reviews that do not belong to Douban (for archive only)

Sammy 2022-12-24 12:36:32

#Horace & Pete

"Hundred Years Tavern", this is the second Amway I have eaten recently (the last one was You). There are also only ten episodes, but it also took a long time to read and procrastinate. After watching it, I find it difficult to talk about the show without spoilers.

The Centennial Tavern is a black comedy written, directed, and starred by Louis CK, who was once judged by Rolling Stone magazine as the funniest man on earth. But the viewing process is not so much a TV drama, but more like watching a drama up close through multiple cameras.

Louis CK plays a pivotal role in the American talk show (actually it should be Stand-up Comedy), and is famous for his mourning jokes. The jokes in the century-old tavern also continue his usual style. dirty words.

Maybe you've seen some screenshots of the dialogue, maybe someone will tell you it's the American version of "Late Night Diner." In my opinion, these are all illusions, they are tricking you into this endless pit of loss. To me, this is not a comedy at all. I hardly ever laughed during the viewing process. The people and things in it hardly make you feel like you are watching a drama. Nagging about those trivial things that make people unhappy. And by the end of the episode, you'll feel like the word "hundred years" is almost a curse, and you'll understand why Sylvia has been so inhumanely trying to escape.

Maybe because I haven't seen the play and I'm not familiar enough with Louis, the Centennial Tavern is not that attractive to me. But it was enough to attract me to make up for his Louie.

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Horace and Pete quotes

  • Rhonda: I have been around long enough to know that men can only make two contributions to my life. They can lift things and they can fuck. I don't want to know you. I don't want to date you. I don't want to move in with you. I don't want to meet your mama. Fuck me... move my furniture.

    Horace: Where do you want it?

  • Tom: Just accept the fact that love is rare and it probably won't happen to you, ever.