"Stranger Things" tells a story that happened in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, USA in the 1980s. The young Will disappeared mysteriously, and the three friends Mike, Dustin, and Lucas met a young girl with superpowers. 11. Together with her, Will's mother Joey and the town sheriff Hope gradually discovered the black hand behind the disappearance. Mike's sister Nancy and Will's brother Jonathan were also involved in this mysterious incident... three The clues develop and are closely linked, and they advance layer by layer until the faceless "Demon King" of "Reverse World" officially debuts to bring the climax.
This show is really "magic". After the first season premiered, it became the top three most popular original drama series on Netflix, and was sought after by countless audiences. The second season has no surprise that the American people once again sparked a carnival on social media.
By the way, the second season of Stranger Things also begins during Halloween.
In addition to this, I have been paying attention to another novel website recently , and the writing is also good. I highly recommend it! !
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Chapter One: MADMAX reviews