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Green 2022-09-30 15:37:11

Lean, commanded by Sulu, was hit by an explosion from the Klingon satellite Plahi when it returned.

The federal meeting said that Clinton had only 50 years of life left due to overexploitation and satellite explosions that polluted the ozone layer. Clinton had no money to support the war. So Speaker Ge Gen proposed to refer to the state of opposition to the federal state, and Kou could be the only commander of the federal government that can work. The officer was ordered to pick up Gegeng for a meeting on Earth.

Because of his son, Kou Ke did not have a good impression of the Klingons and did not trust them. After receiving someone, he asked for a meal. The people on both sides wanted to see each other and were tired of each other. After the meal, they went back to their own boat. After being attacked, Ge was killed.

Koke and McCoy framed the killing of Gegen and sentenced them to exile to serve in the mine on Rura Penthe.

On the Enterprise, Bacchus temporarily took command, and he realized that there was a traitor among them. While looking for a traitor, he figured out a way to rescue Coco and McCoy who were exiled.

Koke and McCoy on Rura Penthe escaped from the mine, and then they were teleported to Enterprise by Bacchus. Then Bacchus also found the accomplice who framed Koke, who was the new replacement of Aiken at the same time as him. Sulu's little girl, Bacchus learned of her accomplices from the girl, and then learned the meeting location through Sulu, and rushed over to prevent the second assassination.

Encountered a Raptor ship capable of stealth attack on the road. In the end, Koke and Sulu jointly bombed the Raptor fleet and prevented the assassination at the meeting in time.

People who don't want to change and cannot keep up with the times have no future.

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Extended Reading

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country quotes

  • Captain James T. Kirk: [after Kronos One is fired on] Torpedo bay, did we fire those torpedoes?

    Captain Montgomery 'Scotty' Scott: Negative, Captain. According to inventory, we're still fully loaded.

  • General Chang: Have you not a shred of decency in you, Kirk? We come in peace, and you blatantly defile that peace. For that, I shall blow you out of the stars.

    Captain James T. Kirk: We haven't fired.

    Captain Spock: Captain. According to our databanks, we have. Twice.