Grateful for the power that once made you feel at ease

Kasey 2022-04-23 07:03:00

Kym (Anne Hathaway) is a teenage drug addict who has long lived in rehab. This time, due to her sister Rachel's upcoming wedding, she was taken home by her father. The conflict in the home unfolded the moment Kym stepped on the front lawn.

The first is the question of the bridesmaids. Kym takes it for granted that as his sister's only sister, the bridesmaids must be himself. Unexpectedly, my sister chose her friend Emma. After some controversy, she "regained" the status of bridesmaid. In fact, I really like kym's straightforwardness here. She didn't suppress her inner dissatisfaction in her heart, but said it all. Emotional conflicts are mostly due to poor communication. Although the sister backed down, she was actually very unhappy in her heart. Because she has lived in this family full of shadows and pain for many years, she hopes that she can have a perfect wedding. Perhaps she also hopes to start a happy new life through a perfect wedding.

What followed Kym's public confession on the eve of the wedding seemed out of place in Rachel's eyes. In the eyes of Rachel, who was anxiously welcoming her new life, Kym, the troubled girl, was as hopeless as expected. It is a bold guess that Rachel's heart at the time was estimated like this: "You drowned your brother because of drug addiction, and this family is already crumbling. Facing you who always make trouble, all we can do for many years is to endure. Now even me A well-planned wedding is not to be missed." Facing the sudden episode, Rachel was annoyed and angry.

That's pretty much what the sisters' conflict is about. And what I want to express most is my father who tolerates all the chaos and never leaves.

Thanks to the father of this family, in the most depressing moments, unlike the mother of two who chooses to flee, he always protects the two daughters with kindness and tolerance. Facing the dispute between his two daughters, he tried his best to resolve it and restore order. He is like a warm sun after a violent storm, which is reassuring.

Whether in movies or in real life, in love or family, conflict and pain are unavoidable existences. And after the chaotic situation, how precious is the person who is willing to come out and clean up the mess. They also suffered the same pain, but instead of slapping their butts and leaving, they chose to stay, pay, and clean up everything. What a reassuring force they are!

To them, I just want to say thank you! grateful!

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Rachel Getting Married quotes

  • Kym: I am Shiva the destroyer, your harbinger of doom this evening.

  • Kym: [Late to rehab meeting, she knocks over a chair] Cocksucker!

    Kieran: [Who had been addressing the crowd] Uh, only once. My dealer. I was very hard up for cash.