Give up on you first, then give up on myself

Zion 2022-04-20 09:01:59

"forgive yourself and maybe you will forgive me..."

She is like an evil, sad and lonely little tiger. Caught between sister and brother. Caught between mom and dad. Caught between wanting to love and losing love.

People, that's how it is. Pain to some extent. All that was in mind was to give up on each other. If it is to bear, it is better to give up each other. Give up on you first, then give up on myself. that is it. There will be no guilt and self-blame.

So let's destroy together. It was the best ray of sunlight, shining directly into my heart, making all the pain fall apart and vanish into ashes.

So, let's ignore it. It is a box of the best powder, covering my pale face, so that all the past and progress are buried by the smile like spring breeze, as for where it is hidden, it doesn't matter anymore.

I only remember that she quietly placed a white lamp on the water amidst the overflowing music, drifting to her heart and to his world. This is a tribute to the love that has passed away but cannot be resurrected.

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