
Izabella 2022-04-20 09:01:59

I saw this movie when I was in the fifth grade of elementary school. The cover was beautiful but it didn’t attract me. Now that I think about it, when Hathaway, the American sweetheart, was very popular, it is estimated that the movie is also very hot. 2020.6.30 is on my side I called the securities company and watched it. Sometimes in the movie, I can see that the camera is not steady. It's pretty American. The question is what does the girl look at? My sister's wedding was a fuse and a Band-Aid, but did it heal? I don't know

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Rachel Getting Married quotes

  • Kym: I am Shiva the destroyer, your harbinger of doom this evening.

  • Kym: [Late to rehab meeting, she knocks over a chair] Cocksucker!

    Kieran: [Who had been addressing the crowd] Uh, only once. My dealer. I was very hard up for cash.