Who you are determines whether you understand

Frederik 2022-12-13 01:12:27

People who don't gamble: This is a suspenseful gangster movie.

A small gamble: the male protagonist should leave after three passes.

Top bet: I also imitate the last shuttle and win back everything I lost.

Those who are ready to quit gambling: Winning or losing is a process of gambling. After more than ten years of wasted back and forth, a person only gambled once in his life.

I said, this is the four-dimensional, three-dimensional space plus one-dimensional time that the Buddha said. Most people in the three-dimensional space follow the progress of time. Lose now and win the next moment, lose today and win tomorrow, back and forth, back and forth. Intertwined non-stop.

The Buddha said that beyond the dimension of time, this moment (this second) encompasses the past, present and future; if you let go of this second, there will be no suffering and happiness. If you let go of this second every second, you can enjoy bliss. .

Win or lose in this second will pass; you can't predict the win or lose in the next second. Although the end of the film is happy (to win back the lost money), the male protagonist's run to give up profit tells us that he quit not only gambling, but also his obsession, and rushed to the unknown with courage and confidence. The next second and never look back.

Ps, the protagonist of the professor, also gave us a bowl of poisonous chicken soup. If you were born with no talent and no lucky blessings, working hard will only give you a moment of comfort.

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The Gambler quotes

  • [to his college students]

    Jim Bennett: If you take away nothing else from my class, desiring a thing cannot make you have it.

  • Roberta: What will they do to you if you don't pay?

    Jim Bennett: [nonchalantly] Break every bone in my body.

    [she immediately slaps him in the face]