positive energy

Alvina 2022-11-30 01:00:29

The protagonist’s inner self-improvement desire is inspired by the overall improvement of the exterior, supplemented by some practical methods (mainly for exterior care), which clears some obstacles for the restart (how expensive and troublesome home renovation is...).

What I pay most attention to is to guide the protagonist to examine himself and analyze his inner part. Unfortunately, the program does not allow too much space, but this is actually the key to determining whether the protagonist can successfully take off on the paved track after the program ends. (For example, the father with 6 children, the key to changing his life is not only the decoration of the house and the wedding, but also the way the couples educate their children. Otherwise, a clean and tidy room may only be a flash in the pan)

What makes me sigh is that the little brother who is in charge of food and wine is actually partly responsible for psychological counseling and value communication. He really understands the natural mechanism, and people who are close to nature are actually very good at understanding themselves. Simple and gentle person.

Anyway, this is still a very positive show, the values ​​are very reliable, I am very happy to watch.

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