Queer Eye

Roderick 2022-11-10 08:44:23

Stereotypes make us think that straight men are synonymous with sloppy, casual, and tasteless, while gay is synonymous with refinement, pursuit, and high taste. In this reality show, we did meet 5 little brothers who can be described as beautiful (I really like Jonathan "Miss", knocking cute), they not only have their own strengths, but also have outstanding abilities (confessed God Bobby) , every change of interior design is amazing, the one with the heaviest workload), and the most important thing is that each of them live a serious and wonderful life.

The whole season is full of positive energy: to be confident and love myself. The 5 little brothers infected every transformed person with their own energy, shaping from the inside to the outside, making them a better person who identifies with themselves, believes in themselves, and expresses themselves. The transformation of each phase is like a rebirth of Nirvana, and each protagonist is completely new, but it is a change on its own basis, not a completely negative replacement. After experiencing the baptism of the 5 little brothers like a blizzard, they are no longer the original self, but they are definitely not someone else, but themselves, a better self. Change a suitable pair of glasses, wear delicate clothes, have a neat head shape, learn a simple dish, live in a clean and beautiful space that reflects your own style, and the most important thing is to raise your head in your heart. , dare to look directly at others, dare to look directly at life. The encouragement and praise of the 5 little brothers anytime and anywhere is the most beautiful and warm thing.

Because of the different protagonists, each issue brings different emotions. In this program, there are discussions on the relationship between mothers and children of Indian or Pakistani origin, communication and exchanges between the two parties involved in the existing racial issues in the United States, the happiness of being out of the closet and being recognized by the family, and the homophobia of religious beliefs in the process of getting along The understanding and acceptance of the homosexual community... Each issue has a point that pokes my heart, brings a lot of emotion, and wraps my heart warmly.

Queer Eye told me: Don't be sloppy, live more wonderfully!

PS: 8 episodes are not enough!

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