live as you like

Benedict 2022-10-20 14:32:59

When I saw the fourth episode, I was suddenly moved to transform a black gay in this episode. What he regretted most was that his father didn't tell him about his coming out before he died. He was a little afraid to admit that he came out in front of people, and then these five treasures were in front of the camera. Said about coming out of the closet

They admit that they feel happy coming out of the closet. Of course, I still like the handsome Anthony. He said he sent a text message to his father to announce that he had come out of the closet.

Later, when designing clothes, Anthony said that he wore bright colors on the first date with his boyfriend, but he still liked his original appearance, like simple basic T-shirts and jeans, and his smile was so warm.

In the end, I still think Anthony is handsome

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