
Marge 2022-11-14 23:52:30

Love it !!! The visibility and social meaning are great!!! The slogan was so loud last time it was asking for tolerance, but this time it was acceptance but it really did!!! Made up some of the previous seasons (guide: You can watch it by direct search on YouTube) I feel that the biggest highlight of this season is that Fab 5 has done a very good job in emotional cultivation with the transformation object!!!

I thought before that after the transformation is over, the transformation object will return to its original state after a period of time, but I think the little tricks that I can't teach are secondary and mainly to help the transformation object know their own possibilities and give them confidence after the transformation. Relatives and friends The positive response would have been to motivate them actually transforming the object itself is really not bad just needs a little inspiration?

I had a bit of a picky question before. Will the image of Fab 5 have a solid group image? Although generally speaking, most gays will live a little more refined than straight men, but not all of this season. In the fourth episode, a gay was transformed and this problem was solved perfectly

In the end, I think the little brother in charge of the diet looks a little like Mika!!! I checked his INS and found that he is also a pet blogger!!!

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