You and I are one of God's favored sons

Carmel 2022-11-04 04:46:19

After a lapse of 15 years, the large-scale urban fashion reality show "Fanxiong Rescue" created by Netfilx has made a comeback. The show still focuses on saving ugly men with straight aesthetics. Starting from appearance, living and living habits, it will make zero distinctions ugly. The male is transformed into a super-sized male. The new version of Fab5 has changed to another group of people. This group of people has the same personality. Everyone has their own flashing lights. There are chef Anthony, who is coveted by countless greasy young women, and Tan, a fashion buyer who has a flirtatious eye, and has the attributes of a gentle bitch. Jonathan, the owner of the beauty shop, Bobby, a hot home designer, and Karamo, a handsome and explosive trendy man and counselor. Different from the old version where all kinds of gays are blooming, the new version begins to change their minds. They are still being themselves, but this time they are here to tell you: no matter how incompatible we are with this world, we are only ordinary people in the end. They no longer look at the world from the perspective of homosexuality, but take people as the starting point to discuss life and issues that cannot be ignored in American society. 01. The contradiction between the American police and black people, and the responsibilities of race and class cannot be unloaded in E03. The police friend of Cory, the transformation object, played a seemingly minimal prank on Fab5: when Karamo was driving to the male owner's house, the police stopped him. Get out of the car and let Karamo get out of the car to check the driver's license, which makes Karamo very angry.

This move is extremely easy to cause disgust for black people. If you have a little knowledge of American history, you will realize that the American police and black people have always been two groups that are incompatible. In "The Simpsons: Made in America", this is even more clearly confirmed: the police can justifiably break into black people's houses, the police can beat black drivers on the street for no reason, and the police can even shoot and kill black people, but this Everything can be ascribed to innocence. Black people began to complain that this is discrimination against people of color in American society because white police officers are using guns to control the entire society, but they all ignore a fact. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, one-third of black men will commit a crime in their lifetime, five times more likely than white men. This means that every time an incident occurs, there is a vast majority of the probability that black men are acting, which results in that as long as there are cases involving black men, they will be quickly locked as the number one suspect.

Cory and Karamo's conversation gets to the heart of the matter

Racism is a stigma left over from history, it is etched in the arteries of every person of color, and it will always be hot, hot, and never calm. As long as there is conflict, the racial issue cannot shirk its responsibility, but the continuous evolution and deepening of this conflict is also due to the serious stratification of American society. The poor can only be poor forever. This law is especially true for people of color. So - only elite black kids can move out of the community for higher education, while working-class black kids spend their lives playing guns and hip-hop in the ghetto. 02. Remembering in a better way is also a farewell ceremony. Remington and his cousin lived in their late grandmother's house. The grandmother's house maintained the decoration style of the 1960s and 1970s. Remington's friends all said that his home It's a time tunnel, and coming to his home is like going back to the peak of the hippie era. Fluorescent floors and yellow curtains were standard in the 60s and 70s.

In the 20th century, every household had Qiongyao-style bead curtains.

American-style alpine sugar in the seventies.

As well as medieval clocks unique to 20th century landlords.

Maybe I miss my grandma too much, and even the placement of the furniture has never changed. In this time tunnel, there is no trace of Remington at all. And the home remodel behind Bobby opened up a new chapter for Remington, while retaining an outlet for his thoughts on his deceased loved ones. He turned old photos into murals that Grandma liked.

Put the bits and pieces with grandma into the photo frame.

Remington is grateful that Bobby didn't completely erase his grandmother's mark, and the photo is to Remington his only connection to her. Photos are emotional carriers between people, and they carry too many common memories. I printed out the photo with my grandfather in elementary school and put it in the innermost layer of my wallet, as if I heard him say that this time he is really leaving. In our life, we have to say goodbye to the same person twice. The first goodbye is when he leaves this world, and the second goodbye is when you truly let go. We have to say goodbye to a lot of people, and after each one we make sure we can live the same life as we did.

Just like Cai Kangyong said that after a good friend of his passed away, he recorded a VCR and told them not to stop the music because of her death, put down the wine glass in his hand, dissolve the party early, but continue to laugh loudly. And she was just one of those people who left the party early and quietly closed the door. 03. Love has nothing to do with gender, it follows the laws of nature. AJ is a black engineer from the eastern United States. He usually works between two o'clock and one line. Like most engineers, he wears a boring white shirt and repeats boring actions. But AJ has another identity, and he's gay. When returning to being gay, AJ became a different person. He is no longer an engineer in black and white, but a colorful soul. He can play Fab 5 jokes boldly, he can invite male friends to his house for a hot party, and he can even put an incredible swing in the living room.

But AJ did not tell everyone about his second identity, but selectively concealed it. He chose to hide it from some people, including his stepmother Head, who had taken care of him for many years. So he put on his glasses, put on his shirt, said nothing, and quietly played a role that didn't belong to him.

In the depths of AJ's heart, there is a giant stationed there. This giant always reminds AJ what to do and what to pursue. However, this giant only left his tall back in the end. This giant is AJ's father. The biggest regret in AJ's life is that he didn't come out before his father left.

A rare photo of AJ with his father.

And this time AJ didn't hold back, he was going to come out with Head. AJ has two parallel worlds, one is a weird weirdo who can continue to be silent in it, and the other is closer to his own soul. Karamo says he has brought his two worlds together. After numerous inner struggles and conflicts, he told Head that he had written a letter to his father. And this letter is his declaration of coming out.

When AJ spit out the last few words, he looked up and saw that Head had wiped away his tears. She looked at him and smiled with relief. The relief wasn't because she felt gay needed to be forgiven, but because AJ finally let go of his baggage.

If love can be divided into colors, then AJ's love is gray, gray is an unknown color, it can be a bright day or a deep night. He left the day to those who loved him, and wrote the night into the envelope. Since human society has evolved to the present, if love is still defined by the standards of primitive society—as long as love that does not conform to the rules of human reproduction is out of time love, then to be honest, human beings have only developed emotions, but they have not really evolved. The laws of nature include diversity. No one stipulates that there can only be one kind of love. As long as my love for him is genuine, it should not be inferior to any kind of love, and no one's emotion is absolutely superior. End. Text: Egg white casually wrote

Pay attention to the WeChat public account: radish and egg white, to accompany you to the end of the sea.

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