I don't believe that this piece can't hit a single point of your cuteness!

Ocie 2022-04-20 09:02:49

I have written down my impressions after watching it, and I will explain it in detail when I have time...

1. Listen to the Godfather's soundtrack, the famous Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence theme (don't ask me which song, you will naturally worship when you hear it);
2. Watch the young godfather (Ryuichi Sakamoto) acting;
3. Watch the chameleon (David Bowie) play handsome (the hot day with a scarf, the military uniform is a distinctive dark color);
4. Watch Takeshi Kitano smile Winter melon-like, the tragedy turned into a comedy XD;
5. Oshima Nagisa (sorry, I put you after this, who told you not to show up==)

When Jack Celliers first appeared in the court martial, his eyes were burning, I" Poof": "Isn't this movie made for chameleons?!" The word "impossible" buried deep in my memory immediately popped into my mind!!! Actually, I think it's not JC, but the one The cover of the disc seems to tell the same story - David Bowie (¯﹃¯) of "Killing you with his eyes" (Actually, I want to say that the resolute eyes are Bowie's poor acting skills)
Godfather is sitting on the trial seat. , Judgment of Jack Celliers (David Bowie), but the godfather can already see God...

The dizzying scene took place during the execution of Lawrence, when the godfather called in all the captives, including the immobile wounded soldiers, the godfather was obviously stunned, and he poured out his anger at JC for betraying his tolerance. It seems that JC is an angel (in short, a transparent object), passing through the machine gun barrier like shooting a mv (no one stepped forward to stop it!), Godfather! When Celliers stood in front of him, there was no resistance at all╮( ╯▽╰)╭ That push, mamamia! It's too fake - it's just as bad as the Chinese team deliberately hit the goalpost without scoring a goal! - The godfather used the force of hugging the chameleon to be astonished The chameleon pushed away, the chameleon fell down, but got up again (at this time, no non-commissioned officer stepped forward to smoke him! Nagisa Oshima, I don't believe you if you say that you are not rotten, and I won't believe it!), got up, and his eyes are still the same. The lethality is unabated! (I know how he broke through the barrier and walked in front of the godfather!)...In that short shot, the godfather's face was full of daze, but obviously there was still a surprise. (Here is a Bang Bang is better haha) When the godfather woke up and felt a burst of humiliation (in full view), he raised his saber, but where did he get his hands to hum, so he could only faint with happiness...

Nagisa Oshima, all kinds of abuse At
the beginning, even knowing that he was going to be beaten, he contradicted the Japanese army commander, and he murmured in his heart: These brainless little Britons...
Lawrence is also a hunter. ||

For whom? For a Japanese audience or a Western audience? Look at the theme, anti-war? Forbidden love? Interracial
forbidden love in war?...?
The collision of perfectionism. So it is neither just for the West nor just for the East.
JC stands for Western-style perfectionism (but the school knows that Didi is bullied by classmates but does not save it, it is very extreme, very Eastern-style perfectionism).
It's hard not to think of Mishima as the godfather represents oriental perfectionism.
Several officers discussed how to die with dignity many times. For example, when Takeshi Kitano and Lawrence discussed in the barracks, Lawrence said that we Westerners do not think surrender is a kind of humiliation, while the Japanese will think that it should be caesarean section at this time
. In court, the godfather was shocked by the chameleon, and

this film gave me the feeling: not true
1. An officer can't have so much power, can't condone a prisoner to cause trouble.
2. In Mr. Long's recent book, I read, The Japanese army in Nanyang is very cruel to the prisoners, but I can understand that the director did not arrange this to beautify or cover up anything

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Extended Reading

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence quotes

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: I get it. You think they'll all want to bugger him. So, it's true: all Englishmen are queer.

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're all afraid of queers, aren't you? Samurai aren't afraid of queers.

    Col. John Lawrence: War strengthens bonds of friendship between men, but that doesn't mean all soldiers turn queer.

    Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're not genuine soldiers. You're lowly POWs. That's why you lack discipline and beg me for favors. You should be ashamed.

    Col. John Lawrence: Sergeant Hara, I have nothing to be ashamed of.