very memorable

Ocie 2022-04-20 09:02:49

A trip to Henan movie 1.

I'm going to blow up. On the first night in Zhengzhou, the movie I watched with my old girl and Andres, at the beginning, were some more brutal scenes in the prisoner of war detention center, such as abdominal cutting, etc., so they kept shouting ohsht, fuckme and so on, which made me feel that I chose the wrong one. Movie, secretly shouting what ghost movie recommended by htx hahaha. The plot in the middle may be a bit long, and the khaki tone makes people a little tired. Even so, we all watched it seriously, and we didn't miss a second, so that after watching it for an hour, it felt like two or three hours had passed. But it was all very necessary - things got better later on, and when I looked back, I realized that everything was fixed.

Although I've said it many times, I feel like I'm repeating myself when I write it again, but I was really moved by the scene where Jack kissed the captain. With bgm, I'm gone. It looks so abrupt, but behind it is so excusable: this kiss is Jack's make up for his childhood regrets, and it's also a spontaneous expression of his affection for the captain-he is a character with a distinct personality who dares to love and hate- Knowing that what awaits him must be death, he walked up to the captain with a look of reluctance, just to die in the right place. The captain was also redeemed: the kiss freed him from long-standing depression and anxiety. A huge cultural identity conflict and a sense of taboo erupted at this moment. From this moment on, I suddenly understood why htx recommended this movie hahaha, wrong, wrong, wrong. I feel like I'm particularly moved by kisses, and the scene Demianli reminds me the most is Demian's last kiss goodbye to Sinclair. Maybe it's because a kiss can be an act that is the closest physically between two individuals, but it can also be an act without any sexual desire, and the meaning behind a kiss between two people is always profound and artistic.

Having said that, the second tear is the last sentence Takeshi Kitano said with a smile, merry christmas mr. Lawrence. At this time, I suddenly realized that he had intended to let Lawrence go before, and today he will be executed as a war criminal tomorrow. . What makes us so sigh is the revealing of this little bit of humanity in the dark.

There are a lot of details, but I won't write them out because I'm tired of typing on my phone. But I also want to mention that what htx said is both explicit and restrained is really suitable for this movie, and it sums up perfectly.

After watching it, we talked about our thoughts while listening to "Forbidden Color", and then they started watching the new Chinese rap; I didn't fall asleep until 3am.

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Extended Reading

Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence quotes

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: I get it. You think they'll all want to bugger him. So, it's true: all Englishmen are queer.

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're all afraid of queers, aren't you? Samurai aren't afraid of queers.

    Col. John Lawrence: War strengthens bonds of friendship between men, but that doesn't mean all soldiers turn queer.

    Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're not genuine soldiers. You're lowly POWs. That's why you lack discipline and beg me for favors. You should be ashamed.

    Col. John Lawrence: Sergeant Hara, I have nothing to be ashamed of.