Complement Jack's Perspective

Tina 2022-04-19 09:03:11

NO.1: As a major in the British army, he was forced to surrender by the crazy Japanese threats. No way, if they don't raise their hands and surrender, they will massacre the villagers. Really bfks kill innocent people! I don't understand the thinking of this nation.

NO.2: They are judging me. Where is my defense attorney? Oh, do you really think I'm a sinner? Aren't you and I both performing duties and executing orders? Kill or cut as you please. Since I chose to come to you, I never thought I could reason with you perverts.

NO.3: Wait, there seems to be someone who understands. Captain? I don't know what the last name is, I want to know his name. Oh, it turned out to be Yonoi.

Want me to prove I was beaten? I remembered the stripes of welts on my back, so I unbuttoned the button and took off my shirt to show him. Anyway, there are big men in the court, what's there to cover? emmm, however, Yoyo doesn't seem to think so. Is it related to the culture of Yamato Nation? He actually ordered me to put on my shirt.

In fact, I noticed that he was staring at me in a daze during the court session. Why, this dignified little officer is interested in me? Ahaha, no way. I am all dying. And I'm thirty-two, he's twenty-three, and he's too young.

NO.4: God, he didn't die. . I was so frightened that my legs went weak.

I'm not stupid, I can think of him who saved me with my second child. The hero saves the beauty, haha, isn't it really interesting to me?

NO.5: Someone came, Lawrence and Sergeant Yuan hid, and I pretended to sleep. I could clearly hear Yoyo's voice telling the military doctor carefully. To be honest, he was nice to me. However, what does this silent concern mean? And while I'm sleeping, I'll be the nameless Lei Feng. Quite cute.

NO.6: Fasting is really nerve-racking. The most perverted thing is that Shi Ye has to be punished with us.

It is better to pick some flowers to mourn the deceased Derong and find some food to fill his stomach. Only red flowers were found. This flower is as beautiful as an evil spirit. Therefore, it is also good to be used as a funeral flower.

isn't it? To arrest someone? Okay, Lord, come forward. Wait wait, don't delay, don't delay, it's so rude, you QAQ are speechless. However, as expected, I'll be able to meet your Captain Yono soon.

NO.7: I gave him the flowers I picked myself, thanked him for his silent protection of me, and thanked him for saving my life. This person, who is obviously very kind, but has to pretend to be cold and severe, why bother? The Japanese are anxious and hypocritical, but they can't hide the tenderness engraved in his bones.

I broke his "rules", deliberately disturbed his "sense of order", ah~, I am what he calls "soul lazy", and I am a transgressor of his "Bushido spirit".

He asked me who I thought I was. This sentence was obviously mocking me, but the next sentence, "Are you an evil spirit?" is obviously something that can only be said when one's mind is lost. I was stunned for a moment: "yeah...I wish I was one of your evil thoughts." Then I looked into his very beautiful eyes, ate the flower that had been offered to him, and chewed it into my mouth. Does this look like an evil spirit enough?

Hope he can get to the point where I'm angry.

NO.8: He. gave. I. One. Bo. Si. wool. Blanket~

He. Comes and sees me every night.

Although the wound is still aching, but seeing him every night, my sleep quality is much better.

NO.9: The guard must have sensed his director's feelings for me, and he is going to assassinate me? But I'm also a major-level "strafe gun" anyway, okay? Three hits, fives and twos are over. Surely not dead! Yoyo's Persian blanket bless! mua!

NO.10: Taking advantage of the gatekeeper being stabbed to death, when will it be better not to escape? If I stay here again, the radio may take my life.

I need this blanket to keep me warm on the way out of here by train, so I roll it up, carry Lawrence on my back, and trudge toward the exit.

...Unfortunately, I met him. I reacted quickly, laughing at myself, "I guess you're going back and forth for your blanket, sir, right?"

However, he is going to fight me one-on-one with a knife! could I hurt my daughter-in-law?

His reaction was also too aggressive, why did he have to single out? No, no, no, isn't he trying to take this opportunity to deliberately lose to me and set me free? Oh, how is that possible. His belief is that allegiance to the emperor is dead, so he will not stand idly by watching me escape.

However, in his eyes... reluctance? Heartache? apprehensive?

Don't be impatient, there's no need to prove that you don't love me in this way.

So I put down the dagger slowly and plunged it into the soil - I don't do it.

He panicked and he asked me why I didn't beat him.

I smiled, with a little pampering and a little understanding. I laugh at him for being too "militaristic" and advocating force to solve problems, but, to be honest, his arrogant and arrogant temper is very cute in my eyes. I understand his inability to experience cruelty and brutality in me, I understand his struggles, I understand his throbbing at me when he avoids acknowledging.

My dear, I don't want to face you with a knife. In our civilization, when you treat someone you love, you should give him flowers, kisses and roses. I will not confront you in such brutal form, never. So I put down the knife and returned you with a smile. So, don't panic anymore, dear captain, dear director, my dear Yono, I'll just step back.

If you are lucky, next time, I want to send you a kiss.

NO.11: The original Sergeant's gun was aimed at us, and I saw his figure blocked dozens of guns for me and Lawrence. Sergeant Yuan was very interesting, and he had to admit that their captain was indeed in love with me.

Don't you think it's a shame? It's true that your beliefs have changed, right... In my ear, Lawrence is still talking nonsense: "I really think he likes you a little bit."

I bowed my head, in this heavy scene, I really can't bear the protection of Shiye again. My heart was pounding, and the feeling that disappeared decades ago reappeared. I'm breathing hard, competing with my heart rate, and I bet I can't fall in love with anyone because of the vicissitudes of life. It's too fast here, the pace is rushed, a little romance will be destroyed, and a little beauty will be beaten. Soon, I will be put out by them, and I will be imprisoned by Haosheng.

NO.10: I will see him again soon. I want to sing, not only for the world, but also for the green water and green mountains behind.

I saw him, very handsome. It's beautiful

He's here, happy~ I dress neatly today too. People in love are like this, they can't help but have a good mood every day~

Wait, something seems to be different. He's so strict, and he's gotten more and more strict since his diligent guards came to assassinate me. However, it is more and more in line with Bushido thinking.

What? ! Is he going to hack and kill the commander?

Just because of such a small thing?

Shiye, are you going to become a demon?

Oh...that's right...isn't that the Japanese teaching...

So I sorted out my clothes and strode towards him, the man who once warmed half of my heart.

Seeing me coming, he was very agitated: "Go back!" It seemed that the flames of anger were automatically moving away from the peaceful water. He pushed me away with all his might, but without pushing, he pressed his hand to my face, and after a moment of stroking, he intensified. I fell down, covered in dust.

Ah~ It seems that the sorting out just now was in vain, I stood up again, this time, I won't give him another chance to push me away.

He wants to kill the commander, he thinks his authority has been snubbed, he wants to kill Lawrence, he just wants to maintain his order. He was sick, he didn't know what to do like a baby, he was crazy, he found himself more and more deviated from his faith, so he rushed to the religion with all his strength. His every move and expression now all imply his determination to become barbaric.

Darling, I will not watch you fall into a devil.

So I held your arms and pulled you into my arms, our chest against the chest, my lips kissed your cheeks, and then passed the warmth of my face to yours.

Darling, I'm doing something to kill you, and I'm also ordering you to look at your heart.

You are shaky, almost fainting. I don't know if you will be intoxicated, if you will regret, if you will feel shame, if you will look forward to the next time...

Goodbye ~ I'm dead ~

It doesn't matter. Just don't become a devil.

"You have something on your mind, why don't you say it?" Why do you try to suppress yourself?

If you say it, then I promise you.

If you don't want to say it, I still promise you.

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Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence quotes

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: I get it. You think they'll all want to bugger him. So, it's true: all Englishmen are queer.

  • Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're all afraid of queers, aren't you? Samurai aren't afraid of queers.

    Col. John Lawrence: War strengthens bonds of friendship between men, but that doesn't mean all soldiers turn queer.

    Sgt. Gengo Hara: You're not genuine soldiers. You're lowly POWs. That's why you lack discipline and beg me for favors. You should be ashamed.

    Col. John Lawrence: Sergeant Hara, I have nothing to be ashamed of.