Is dying alone really scary?

Winifred 2022-11-27 10:41:09

Parents always think that you will end up alone is a thing that sounds scarier than anything, and means a failure in your life. They even feel that it is better to reconcile with a husband who has been caught cheating repeatedly, than living alone with a child (well, the story that my peers around me are doing recently). Later, when I thought about it, I always felt that the matter of marriage was unthinkable. Even I felt that getting married should be like making an investment, and risk management should be done well in advance, because the matter of marriage itself is logically unreasonable - a husband in modern society Monogamy is not human nature. In order to continue, married life must be full of lies, and once exposed, lies are more desperate than betrayal. At this time, if the risk management is done well, it will not hurt people and money, but what about the children, they are not wrong But to bear the consequences of a lifetime. The siege of marriage is still free to enter and exit, but it is definitely impossible to go back after giving birth to a child. Therefore, being single may seem desolate and lonely, and once a couple is torn apart, the lethality is comparable to Chernobyl.

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