See life

Darian 2022-09-05 02:30:39

The English name of the movie "Battle in the New World" is more gentle, called The New Start, a new beginning. This is a movie like a poem. It tells what happened when the British first landed on the New World in the 18th century. The collision of the two worlds includes killing, love, curiosity, and full of suspicion and distrust. On the one hand, the Indians and the new British were killing each other, while at the same time, the daughter of the Indian chief fell in love with the British captain John Smith. They murmured to each other in the forest, on the grass, and by the river, and they talked to each other about their sincere love, which is the love described in Solomon's Song of Songs, the beautiful and intoxicating love. But John Smith received the king's commission to explore the legendary India. John loves Indian princesses, but he is not satisfied with a world where there is only love. His ambition overwhelms love. He abandoned the Indian princess with a lie and embarked on a journey to find India. The Indian princess who was intoxicated in love suffered from John's departure, as if John had taken her soul, leaving only an empty shell, lying in the mud with a sackcloth, and happiness seemed to never come back. Just like Chuck in the movie "Remains of a Deserted Island", after the plane crash, a person drifted to a small island in the Pacific Ocean. After waiting on this small island for four years, no boat passed by. He was sure. It is impossible for him to leave this island in his entire life. A man living on a lonely island can only speak to a volleyball. Chuck, who is in pain and despair, also thinks of death. However, he found that it was impossible to even die the way he wanted, so he suddenly gained a power, an irrational voice telling him to keep breathing and keep living. Soon after, the waves brought him an iron plate, which he used to build a raft with sails, and floated along the tide for a while, and finally was discovered by a cargo ship, and he returned to the mainland! From then on, he understood that there is no absolute despair in life. When reason is completely dark, people still have to rely on faith to sustain themselves, and they often experience the surprise of "the mountains and rivers are nowhere to be doubted, and the willows are in the dark." Although the Indian princess has been depressed, but she slowly calmed down and continued her life. Later, another English gentleman fell in love with her. Soon they married and had children, but in the Indian princess's heart she always had an unopened knot, and the man who went to explore India was still lingering in her heart. Although her husband has a lot of affection for him and her life is peaceful and peaceful, but she is always unable to live happily, and she is not as glamorous as she was when she was with John. Later they were invited by the King of England, and the Indian princess learned that John was still alive.

The ups and downs of her mood when she heard the news also made her realize that she had never let go of her love for John, but facing the husband who cared for her in every possible way, she fell into a painful struggle. Then they came to England. The British castles, crowds, everything made the Indians dizzy, seemingly real and imaginary. Probably she also felt that she wanted to have a dream as unreal. For her, London was a strange world. As for John, the Indian tribe is a strange new world. The Indian princess was received by the king and queen as a princess. The questioning John also rushed to see her. She still couldn't hide her feelings for John, and her eyes were full of pain and joy. After the greeting, she asked John: "Did you find India?" John said: "I may have missed it." She replied: "You should find it." After that, she ran to her husband, like a A little bird leaned against her husband, looked affectionately into her husband's eyes and shouted: "My husband!" This cry was more affectionate than all the love words with John in the forest on the American continent. The love at that time was beautiful, but it was extremely fragile and untested by time. But now love is a mellow fruit that grows after the test of wind and rain. When I saw her running to my husband and shouting "my husband!", a warm current surged in my heart, and she made a right choice. In a good story, people are always growing and changing, although at the end of the movie, the Indian princess fell ill and died while in England. But she died calmly and calmly, because her life is full, she has completed the transformation and growth in the experience of life, so death can be accepted calmly. Because after all, everyone is doomed to death when they are born. What matters is the course of life. As Tagore's poem said, life is as splendid as summer flowers, and at death it can be as quiet and beautiful as autumn leaves. This life is beautiful and worth living.

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The New World quotes

  • [last lines]

    Pocahontas: Mother, now I know where you live.

    John Rolfe: [reading letter] "13th of April, 1616. Dear son, I write this so that someday in the future you might understand a circumstance which shall be but a far memory to you. Your dear mother, Rebecca, fell ill in our outward passage at Gravesend. She gently reminded me that all must die. 'Tis enough, she said, that you our child, should live.'"

  • Mary: He's left you, Princess. He told you a pack of lies. Forget about him.