Luckily it's Jude Law's Percy.

Thora 2022-12-01 22:01:11

I can't watch it anymore, I can't watch it anymore, I'll watch it again when I relax my mood, I'm so angry! I can't bear to watch it! When I think that Wilde will be destroyed by Percy in the end, and that the two will eventually separate (although this is a good thing for Wilde), I really dare not watch it!

First of all, I have been completely reduced to licking dogs. Jude Law was so beautiful when he was young, so beautiful that I think he is also good-looking in middle age now!

So I fully understand Wilde, Percy is destined to be his poison, he can't get rid of it, and he knows he's going to be destroyed, but he can't help it.

Jude Law is so beautiful, so even though Percy makes it like that, I'm still obsessed with his looks. Posey has arrogant capital, so I feel very angry and angry myself. On the one hand, Percy is indeed, too much, but on the other hand, he is too beautiful, and his character is completely family factors. I really haven't seen a movie that I can't watch for a long time. The last time was Fengyue, but this one, I really can't stand it anymore! Jude Law's face, playing this really made me! ! ! Now that I think about it, Percy is Wilde's doomed catastrophe.

Also, the English sound is really nice,

The leaves are so handsome! The leaves at this time are really elves!

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Wilde quotes

  • Lady Mount-Temple: My dear Constance, the name of Wilde will be a word of execration for the next thousand years.

  • Oscar Wilde: Robbie is Canadian. You can tell by his youth.

    Ada: Have you been brought to England to mature, Mr. Ross?

    Robbie Ross: That was the idea. But it doesn't seem to be working. I've lived here since I was three and you see the pitiful result.

    Oscar Wilde: Robbie comes from a long line of imperial governors. His grandfather was Prime Minister of Upper Canada. Or was it Lower Canada? The British take their class system wherever they go. They apply it even to continents.

    Ada: Are you planning to govern a continent?

    Robbie Ross: Oh, no. I don't even plan to govern myself.