Look from the depths~

Patricia 2022-09-26 19:49:36

When I looked deep down, I was thinking, what kind of evildoer does Percy have to look like to do this! ! ! Then Qiu Hua played! I don't know the male protagonist, but he just gave me the feeling of a judge who took bribes before a British court in the 18th century. I poked into his page, I watched five or six of his plays, and the money-greedy mayor of Changhu Town is him! ! For this reason, I've never been very good at looking into it, so I put myself in Wilde... I put myself in my pocket while standing on the street and spit out a cigarette "looking for someone~" you! ! ! ! Qiu Hua lost her temper at me with a pretty and murderous face, "Why can you give a lot of money to the male prostitutes in the street without leaving me any money!!!" His endless possessiveness, His savage and domineering childishness is all shown to you. You want to love him, you want to give him money, you want him to be immortal... Everyone who saw it last night fell down, and I saw Percy in real life, really handsome and weak! There is still a knighthood in the family of Oxford University students... let him go

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Wilde quotes

  • Marquess of Queensberry: [very drunk] Where d'you stand on cremation?

    Oscar Wilde: I'm not sure I have a position.

    Marquess of Queensberry: I'm for it. I wrote a poem about it. 'When I am dead, cremate me.' That's how it starts. 'When... I am dead... cremate me'. Whaddya think of that for an opening line?

    Oscar Wilde: It's... challenging.

  • Lord Alfred 'Bosie' Douglas: There are two boys waiting out there, and if you're not coming I'll fuck them both myself! I'll take them to the Grand and fuck them in front of the whole fucking hotel and I'll send you the bill!