Humanity that struggles repeatedly

Lynn 2022-04-20 09:02:49

Towards the end of the movie, I ask myself, what do I want the ending to be? When the father woke up, the boy lay beside his father? Or has the boy been swallowed by the sea?
When I saw that poor man, I had always thought that he was a blind child for his own happiness. What kind of cowardice and fear do we have in our hearts who seem to be simply satisfied? Did my father do it wrong? The man who lacks father's love and longs for love rarely finds a woman who agrees with him. He is constantly wandering between sin and kindness. Maybe I should condemn him. He wanted to bury this child's world with his own hands, but he said to his mother, that simple, loving old man, because of what? because of my misfortune? Because he is blind? Or because of my dead wife? I don't have a father and no one cares about me.
Since he has never had a father, he has come here and has supported himself to this day. He needs love in the monotonous and hard life. As a third party, we can always be dissatisfied with this incompetent father through our emotions, our unbearableness, sympathy, because we don't have to pay the responsibility, we only use the moral yardstick to measure his right. Wrong, but sometimes, the thoughts formed by the finely entwined in our hearts, the power of morality, become shaky when faced with our own desires.
Mohammad, from the beginning of the film, from time to time to read words through his fingers, feel the wind, feel the growth of the small trees, feel the rush of the stream, listen to the chicks, he said the woodpeckers are communicating, and then I really noticed It seems that there are really two birds talking, this one on the mountain side pecks a few times, and the one on the mountain side pecks a few more times... The world of the blind has lost its color, and Muhammad's heart has been trying to maintain optimism, his insecurities , hidden in the depths of his heart, he didn't want to mention it, and he didn't want to ruminate. During the school holiday, his father was late and did not come to pick him up in time. He sat alone on a chair and waited lonely. Finally, all the classmates left. He still sat on the bench, depressed and motionless. The teacher came over and told him about his father. Before he came, he almost hopelessly said, "Sir, don't make fun of me, didn't you tell him to pick me up?"
In fact, from the very beginning, the child knew that he might be abandoned. His insecurity was not comforted by his family. He said to the carpenter who was also blind, "I am a child no one likes, I am blind, They didn't like me, and grandma didn't like me either...
I remembered that when he fell into the water without warning, he didn't call Dad or save me, he screamed in horror, I couldn't help feeling sad, his The world is so lonely that only oneself is left.
If later he knew that his father had jumped into the water desperately to save him, fighting for his life to escape the danger of being hit by the rapids on the rocks, until he was dazed and washed to the sea, her grandmother, for stubbornly disregarding his son in the rain, When she was begging, walking across the rugged mountain road and across the icy stagnant water to find him, he also took the hairpin he once gave her, will he change his mind? This child has a strong distrust of human nature. Perhaps, I should say, all people, all sick people feel this way.
Then he said that he was trying to find God with his fingers, to communicate with him, to tell him the secrets of his heart.
Are the words he left on the seashore with his fingers on the ears of wheat, the signals he spoke to God?

He has always tried to meet the world with a happy attitude, he has tried to get in touch with nature, trying to avoid this recurring thought of doubt. But he would be wary when he sensed subtle dangers, just as he was frantically eager to get rid of it when his father didn't take him back to the village.
His father, when he saw Muhammad and his horse and people fell into the rapids, he did not wake up immediately, he watched his son struggling desperately in the water, he was so timid, watching his son was submerged in the water , The farther he rushed, he began to run madly while calling his son's name. At that time, what I saw was not his surrender to fate, but the unbreakable father's love.

In the end, Muhammad gave himself to God, and neither of those two outcomes I thought was the end, and he ended up reaching out to the light and warm place, in his father's arms, and in his father's repentance.
I hope that in the other world he goes to, his heart is no longer lonely and no longer afraid. He can really smile shyly out of peace of mind.

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.