who is blinder

Newell 2022-04-20 09:02:49

Another Iranian children's movie. The director is Maggie Magidi. I once mentioned Abbas' "Where Is My Friend's Home" that I watched with my son, which

is also an excellent children's film in Iran. Because of Iran's strong religious atmosphere and various cultural restrictions, the directors simply avoided these ties and devoted themselves to expressing the innocent world of children, making many touching and good movies.

"Colors of Heaven" was filmed in 1999 and won the Best Film Award at the Montreal Film Festival that year.

Blind child Murman attends a school for the blind in the city, and his heart is full of love. While the teacher handed out the snacks, he was busy touching the souvenirs scattered on the bed for his grandmother and two younger sisters, who were going home from vacation soon. On the day of the holiday, the classmates were picked up one by one, but my father was late.

Moman waited sadly, he heard the chick falling into the leaves and chirping, and the gluttonous cat was approaching. into the bird's nest. Seeing Moman's little hand touching the pointed beak, and the sunlight shining through the gaps in the leaves on his tender little face, you and him laughed together.

The father looked at the child from a distance with a gloomy expression. Instead of running towards the child enthusiastically and hugging him, he went to the principal first and begged them to take Murman into the school for the summer vacation. Your mood dimmed a little bit, worrying about Moman's future.

Since then, the whole movie will let you torn between these two emotions. Beautiful things are always indeterminate and fleeting, and the dark and cruel reality is your future. The beautiful and loving grandma is dying. How long can she accompany Merman? The sisters love him and love him, but they are also weak as flowers. Father's gloomy eyes were a dark cloud floating in the happy sky of Moman. He thought that Moman was blocking his happiness, and Moman felt it faintly. When he was finally left by his father as an apprentice to a blind carpenter, he said the following painfully sad words to the blind master:

"No one loves me.. They don't want me because I'm blind. If I wasn't blind, I could go to my hometown school like everyone else, but now I have to go to a school for the blind and go far away. The teacher said God I love blind people more, because blind people can't see. But I told the teacher, if this is the case, God will not make us blind and can't see him. The teacher replied, God is invisible, He is everywhere, you can only feel He, you can 'see' him with your fingers. Now I'm reaching out to God, and I'm going to tell him everything, even all the secrets in my heart."

He's blind, but he can see more than the average person can see . I can't help but close my eyes and feel the world in which I live more truly.

The rural scenery of the movie is strangely beautiful, with mountains, streams, and fields full of flowers. The director's arrangement seems to have deliberately awakened people, what a beautiful world is around you, do you turn a blind eye? The sound effects of the movie are also particularly crisp and clear, making us seem to recognize the environment without eyes and only rely on our ears, so we can hear those wonderful sounds that were once deaf.

If you have a child, take him or her to watch these Iranian movies:

"Little Shoes", "White Balloons", "Where Is My Friend's Home", "Silence", "Blowing in the Wind" "Fuck", "Stepfather", "Drunken Horse Moment"

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Extended Reading

The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.