color of heaven

Jacinthe 2022-04-19 09:03:12

The story begins with a black blank. The screen is rich and cramped black, mixed with a repetition. Intermittent murmured conversation. It seems that it has begun to bring us into the world of blind children, a dark night without any light, only within reach. and the world of sound that could not be more clear around it.
Suddenly I remembered the melody that Xiao Jingteng shouted, and the lyrics always felt cruel in warmth. "The black in front of you is not black, the white you are talking about is not white, the sky that people say is blue is the blue sky behind the white clouds in the memory, looking at my face, the memory is a virtual sky, is it God in me? The curtain was covered in front of me and forgot to lift it."
Mohammad was waiting for his father at the beginning, sitting alone on a bench, also a harbinger of the conflict point where his fate began. It is about to slowly walk into the unknown darkness involuntarily. As clearly written at the beginning of the film, "You can both see and see", not only talking about him, but also writing to all of us who are floating in the red dust.

If he is not blind, he must be a child that the sun likes, he is kind , Sensitive, tenacious, although there is no color, he has a keen sense of hearing that is unmatched by ordinary people, and it is difficult to feel discomfort, but those voices have been buried in the dust and thick ashes, and they sounded quietly in this neon city. It passed away quietly, like the squeaking sound of stepping on the leaves when the leaves were heavy, the desolate sound of the fledglings groaning in the woods, and the whimper of the wild cat approaching greedily step by step. This is Muhammad's world and he listens to everything. Stomping away the cat eater who didn't know where he was, he couldn't see the direction along the tree trunk, but he just wanted to send the baby bird back to the nest. When his fingers felt the light peck of the bird's beak, he smiled, It's like owning the whole world.
When later sent to the carpenter, who was also blind, he recalled "The teacher said that the Lord is invisible and everywhere. You can feel it, and you understand it with your fingertips. Now, I keep reaching out until One day I touch God and tell him all my secrets." No one doubts that he has a heart plated with sunshine.
He touched the old Fengchen father with his hand and choked: "I thought you would not come." He caught the wind coming and going on the road with his hand. This moment caught it, and the next second was like an hourglass. He knew the value of freedom. ; He stroked flowers on the field with his hands, stroked the wheat, stroked the waves on the seashore. For him, his fingertips were the world, and he "read" every word with his hands like hunger and thirst, even more than a free one. The child also needs to be familiar with it, and read aloud like a trickle; he touches the faces of his relatives with his hands, and holds his grandmother's black and dull hands because he went to the field, and he says it is white and tender. In the eyes of his heart, all this is It's all too beautiful; of course, he wiped the wood with his hands, and the bumps made him cry: "You know, no one likes me, they all leave me because I'm blind..."
Mo Hammed's father, that old, somewhat pitiful man, his state of mind is like a deep forest, mysterious and dangerous, but the forest is like a wild beast roaring, screaming at him again and again, implying that he will also be darkened by himself. heart devours. He ruthlessly wanted to send the blind child away in order to get the wife he married. He roared at the elderly mother under the heavy rain, but he was also pitiful. He lost his father when he was young, and his only son was a blind child. , his shoulders can no longer bear anything.
At the end of the story, I finally want to go home, the same road as when I came, but the wooden bridge was washed away by the rushing river, the child and the brown horse fell into the water, the father was still hesitating, he was struggling on the cliff of morality and self In the end, he chose the child who was connected to his own blood. After several times of floating and sinking, he was washed to the shore and saw the thin body of little Mohammed from a distance. The last loving hug between father and son.
We saw Muhammad's hand trembling slightly under the setting sun, glowing, becoming a golden color of life, as if the soul had reached heaven, that is the color of heaven, and the illusory light has dispelled the long-term pain of this world, where there are those who love him the most grandmother.
There are too many misfortunes and sufferings in this world, they are not shadows under the sun, but chronic diseases of you and me.

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.