Tree. bird.

Amelia 2022-04-19 09:03:12

The film begins with the children of the blind school distinguishing the tapes by sound. The protagonist, Mohammed, is the last to wait for his father to pick him up from the school. While waiting for his father, he climbs a tree with difficulty and will The bird on the ground is put back into the nest.
After that, the father came and took him back to the place where grandma lived, which was a place full of woods, and there were birds singing everywhere, especially woodpeckers and a kind of creepy noise, this The strange sound frightened his father several times, and it also appeared when Mohammed finally fell into the river.
In this rural mountain, Muhammad's two younger sisters lived with grandma. When the two little girls told grandma that Muhammad came back, how happy grandma was, and Muhammad felt extremely happy here, He insisted on following his sisters to the local school, and when Mohammed read his own book for the blind, the school's teachers were stunned.
There are many times in the film that when the woodpeckers chirped, Mohammed snapped his fingers. I don't know what this picture was implying. Until the end of the film, my father woke up on the beach and saw Mohammed lying in the distance. Murd, he picked him up, close-up of the last shot: Muhammad's hand.
There is also a scene worth mentioning. After Muhammad fell into the river, his father also jumped into the river. When struggling in the river, he caught a tree trunk and tried to climb up, just like the beginning of the film. Muhammad climbed a tree with difficulty, but when his father saw Muhammad's shoes, he went into the water again to save Muhammad.
So I think that throughout the whole film one is the tree and the other is the bird.
There are many things left unmentioned, such as his father's marriage, his grandmother's death, and Muhammad being sent to work as a carpenter. . . . There are too many points that touch the tears, I won't mention them one by one, in short, it is definitely a movie worth watching

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Extended Reading

The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.