The Colors of Heaven: A Touching Iranian Film

Rico 2022-04-19 09:03:12

(Written on 2010-12-14)

Heaven can be said to be synonymous with the collection of all good things. From ancient times to the present, it has been deeply ingrained in human consciousness into a kind of detachment from all negative and negative elements in reality. Perfection. Just like the beam of light that appeared on the boy's hand at the end of the film, whether it is life or death, it represents a kind of hope. The movie "Color of Heaven" shows the worst and ugliness of the most selfish side of human nature through a blind child's helpless experience of disability and suffering. Remorse and regret to redeem and make up.

The story revolves around a blind child named Muhammad. Due to his disability, Muhammad could only be sent to a special boarding school far away from home to study. During the holiday, his father reluctantly took Muhammad back to the countryside to give to his grandmother and sister. Because of his imminent remarriage, in order to get rid of the obstacle and burden of Muhammad, his father ruthlessly sent Muhammad to study as a carpenter, but it also made Muhammad's grandmother, who loved Muhammad very much, heartbroken and fell ill. After the death of the grandmother, the remarriage also fell through, and the father had to bring Muhammad back, but unexpectedly experienced a catastrophe on the way back.

In the film, the real living state of the blind is vividly presented through realistic shooting techniques. For example, at the beginning of the film, the different voices in the tape are used for auditory recognition. Straight to the point, it highlights the importance of the blind people in this film. clues. At the same time, many close-up shots of hands are used to reflect a scene of blind people's lives. One of them is a clip of Mohammed helping the chicks to return to their homes through sound and touch, making people feel his kindness and innocence. In addition, more is a kind of sadness and intolerance.

It is worth mentioning that the film also uses some animals and natural phenomena as a follow-up suggestion and symbol, such as grandma putting a dying fish on the roadside into the water (Muhammad is like the fish, and grandma eventually rescued him. The man), the tortoise stuck in the crevices of the stone (representing the conflicted mood of the father and the impending disaster), and the bird flying through the sky (representing the final freedom of Muhammad's mind and body), through these The meticulous and allegorical settings have played a role in promoting the development of the artistic conception and plot of the film, and at the same time, it also makes the film appear more profound and somewhat Zen.

Although Muhammad is invisible, he still lives a very positive and optimistic life. Through his earnestness and perseverance in his studies, he can make "ordinary people" of the same age feel ashamed and greatly admired by teachers. In addition to the cruel fact that he cannot change his body, it can be said that he is more excellent and excellent than others of his age, but this is Muhammad's most fatal shortcoming. When Muhammad was sent to be an apprentice by his father, in front of the blind carpenter, Muhammad expressed his heart. According to the teacher's definition of God, Muhammad constantly used touch and hearing to perceive everything around him anytime, anywhere. In addition to enjoying the beauty and wonder of nature, the biggest purpose is to search for the trace and existence of God.

I hope that one day I can meet God and question God's injustice to me. Another layer of meaning is actually an appeal for hope and a better life. Everyone is born with no choice. Whether the result is good or bad, it is a fact that cannot be changed by fate. We can only learn to accept and compromise, but as long as we face life positively and optimistically, we can still experience the beauty of life. Looking at the vulnerable groups around them, many people are full of pity and sympathy for their misfortunes, but they cannot truly experience the utter despair and pain that often emerges in the process of their lives. But after watching this movie, I believe that through Muhammad at least, many people will have a more comprehensive and profound understanding and understanding of the vulnerable groups around them, and they will also devote more love and sincerity to them.

In my opinion, the absolute protagonist of the film is actually more inclined to Muhammad's father. Because of his uncontrollable desire and desire for a better and new life, regardless of the betrayal and the condemnation of his conscience, he regards his own son as a heavy burden, like a beast that has lost its reason and was eroded by desire, and has gone mad with one heart and one mind. He likes to get rid of his responsibilities and obligations as a father, and just wants to live a carefree and comfortable life selfishly, but ironically, this approach to dehumanization not only failed to get his wish, but also forced his son away. Killed the mother. In fact, from an objective point of view, Muhammad's father is also a very sad person. He lost his father since he was a child, and then lost his wife. He has an old mother and three children, and he shoulders the heavy responsibility of the family alone. In fact, this kind of behavior that seems to dissipate conscience can be said to be largely a selfish desire derived from the pressure and blow of life and the cruelty of fate. While he has hatred and contempt, he will also have a sense of understanding and sympathy.

No matter how unfair fate is, no matter how cruel God is, and no matter how tortured life is, there will be a sunny day after rain. In fact, many people have a very cheap comprehension ability, and they often have to wait until they lose it before they know how to cherish and repent. The same is true for the father in the film. At the moment when Mohammed fell into the water, the stupid father suddenly realized, and his head suddenly became clear. As if enlightened, I felt the nature of being a father and the incomparably precious blood relationship that could not be given up. But whether the father's final awakening was timely or too late, the director left a suspense, or it can be said that he left the decision to the audience. As I said at the beginning, the director's close-up of Muhammad's hand at the end of the film, a dazzling light surrounds the slightly trembling hand, whether it is the beam of heaven or the hope of life, but it is always a positive and Beautiful symbol.

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.