Facing the giants in life with faith

America 2022-04-20 09:02:20

In fact, it is GOD rather than a belief in people's hearts.
Keep the faith in your hear and you will make it.

Just like the old saying, if the man is right the world is right.

If your attitude stinks. it means your heart's not right!
Every time I see the Death cross that spans the entire stadium, it is difficult to restrain my emotions, and there is a sudden impulse.

For more than 20 years in my life, what I lacked is this kind of spirit.
Maybe I closed my eyes and moved forward all the way to
the bottom of my body and spirit, until I was exhausted and fell down.
At that time, I was surprised to find that I had reached the or far beyond the "end point" that I once defined.

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Facing the Giants quotes

  • J.T. Hawkins Jr.: So basically we got the toughest schedule we ever had. And less talent we ever had...

    Grant Taylor: I'm so sick of average seasons.

  • Grant Taylor: Will someone tell me how we lost to Dewey County 21 to 7? 21 TO 7! Dewey County hasn't beaten Shiloh since you were in kindergarten! I don't know what you call that junk out there, but it sure wasn't football. Nine dropped passes, four fumbles, three interceptions. THEIR DEFENSE SCORED MOST OF THE POINTS! YOU GAVE THE GAME AWAY! You can't win football games if you don't play together as a team! You can't win games when you're more concerned about what you're doing afterwards! And you can't learn the plays when you miss practice cause you're sitting in detention! I'm sick of the apathy on this team! If we're not here to win football games, then WHY ARE WE HERE?