color of heaven

Fay 2022-04-19 09:03:12

The ignorant children of heaven's colors pass entirely through their own hands. The touch of the foot. Sharp sound. subtlety of light. to perceive the outside world. The good side of human nature is analyzed in a tender and delicate way.

yes. Sometimes I see traces like this. You will feel good about yourself. (Comparing one's luck with the misfortune of others. It's kind of sympathetic and boring.) The

picture and sound quality are clean. Muhammad. It's a rough voice. Sunlight. bird. Fragile cry. The child giggled and laughed. Kneeless grass. tree shadow. Thick fallen leaves. The old man's veined hands. Dense woods. Soft foliage. Fragrant pink-pink yellow flowers. Gurgling water. Low voiced pronunciation. Bark lightly. Old hanging well. Simple housing. The sound of passing cars. Vines in front of the ground floor house. Livestock feeding in a small wooden house. Poultry cries. Low wooden fence. There was also heavy snow falling. and the ebb and flow of the sea.

An old and simple life.

It reminds me of the childhood scene when I and my accomplices ran into the leafy tea trees with clear sunlight in the autumn afternoon and climbed the tea trees together.

memories like that. It still makes me feel clean when I think about it now. It's just that the hours that can be easily remembered are always rare.

And this film is a tranquilizer. Gives a rural feel. Maybe experienced. So it will be deeply felt.

When I was a child, I grew up with my grandmother. An old woman who loves to work cleanliness. Have a certain affection for children.

A child crying to play once. You can't get the game you want. Craving for books. Strong curiosity. It is the people who need to fill the vacancies in large numbers. child. just kids. Because it is different. so. Pay more. And can do beyond ordinary people. Very powerful. It was because of a lack of love. so. You have to make yourself good enough. not to be left.

"You know. No one loves me. They all leave me because I'm blind. Even my grandma. If I could see. I could sit at school with normal kids and read. But I have to go to school for the blind now. It's like being on the other side of the world. The teacher said that God loves blind people more. Because they can't see. But I think if this is true. He won't make us blind. So we can't see God. The teacher replied. God is everywhere. You can feel him. But you can't see him. You know him with your fingertips. Now I keep reaching out. Until I can feel him. Tell him everything. Even inside me The secret."

Self-confession. How many years have to be suppressed to say this with tears. Muhammad's cry stopped the blind man from speaking. These are their sore spots. Had to silently walk away.

No one can deprive anyone of their rights. Man is born free.

The human heart seems to be missing sometimes. Selfish. As if to know the signs of leaving. so. Leave the finances behind. and blessings.

at the last minute. The old woman had hallucinations before her eyes. It is Muhammad. The old man's cry is also heart-wrenching. life and what life brings. It really breaks the heart.

At last. A man who falls into a stream. Surprisingly. Thought it was on purpose. Look further down. There is a clue. There is no one who does not love. Just keep taking love as a load. I finally understood at the last minute. It is you who have blinded your mind. Crazy mind.

Human beings live their lives with hindsight in this way.

Flocks of seabirds chirped and flew overhead. At last. Finally lost his voice and repented. little people. Zhang Qi's fingertips. Feel the colors of heaven. It's that ray of light. The colors of heaven. God. fingertip. touch. nimble. Author's name: December 6, 2009 in

Muyou Village

The colors of heaven. A Middle Eastern movie. The picture quality is good. It's simple country life. I have already written these words when I read them. It's all momentary feelings. Naturally, there are still flaws.
But it's finally finished.

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.