The Colors of Heaven in the Eyes of Children

Lenna 2022-04-19 09:03:12

The Color of Heaven in the Eyes of Children

We watched a movie last night and it was very touching. When I first heard the name of this movie, I thought it might be a fight story, because if people don't die, why would they see the color of heaven? But watching it made me wander and feel at ease.
——Yang Hong

Comments: It’s so interesting. This kind of beginning
is actually a story of a fight, a story of a disabled person fighting against fate. The musician Beethoven was deaf in his later years, but he said that people should "hold the throat of fate", and with strong will and unremitting efforts, he created a large number of handed down works.

Why are blind children a burden? Why are blind children redundant? Why can't blind children go to school? Why can they only be laughed at by others?
Like us, they are also people with life and joys, sorrows and sorrows, but they can't see it. Why don't people compare their hearts to their hearts? What if you were a blind child and Muhammad could see and he laughed at you? Therefore, everyone should compare their hearts to their hearts, so as to respect themselves and others.
The moment Muhammad fell into the river, when his dad wasn't there to save him, I really wanted to jump into a movie to save him. When I couldn't wait, Dad came to the rescue. That's when I thought of the phrase "compassion, everyone has it." At that time, I thought, no power is as good as the power of family.

commented: Asking questions one after another is very shocking. The empathy is amazing!

My heart was beating when he climbed the tree, and it didn't stop until he came down.
When I become a father in the future, I will not be such a father.
When both Mohammad and the horse fell into the river, it was as if my heart fell too.
——Yang Longbu
commented: The heartbeat should be very fast, and then slow down.
"My heart also fell." When I saw this scene, I was also in this state of mind. Why is it exactly the same as what you wrote? Such a psychological description is really good.

I think a blind person also has his own way, will you be happy when someone asks you to do something you don't want to do? A blind person is also a human being. Although he cannot see, he can feel a kind of love with his heart.
We cannot laugh at a blind man.
——Yang Lima

comment: Some laughter is more powerful than scolding a person or punching a person, and some laughter can also destroy a person. ——"Philosophical Enlightenment Book for Children"

His hands are like their eyes, no, his hands are his eyes.
His father was a good father, and his wife died early. He has lived the life of a widower for the past five years. He lived five full years as a widower. He must have wanted a wife very much.
——Wang Binma's

comment: After learning, you must use it. The word "widow" is very appropriate. In fact, the father is not easy.

Not being blind is no big deal. In fact, blind people can see, and that is black, and they see more black than we do. Besides, their hands can also touch a lot of interesting things.
——Yang Lacong

commented: This statement is interesting.

Iranian movies are so good, this movie touched me deeply. There are all kinds of people with disabilities in our lives: the blind, the deaf, and among these people there are deeply moving stories.
What does the sun look like in the eyes of the blind, and will the sun be colorful? Although they can't see anything, they have a colorful world in their hearts. Although invisible, they can listen with their hearts. What they feel, we can't feel, and on the contrary, what we feel, they can't feel.
The tree was slippery, but he didn't give up and was still climbing. Climbing up to the tree, he looked for the bird's nest in the tree and put the bird back in the nest.
I deeply feel that this blind child has a kind heart and a noble heart to help others. A blind boy can do so much, even though he can't see. We live under the same blue sky, why can't we do good things like him?
This blind boy loves to learn, even though he can't see anything. But he can be like everyone else, he can read.
When Mohammed was swept away by the water, his father stood on the wooden bridge and hesitated for a while, then his father ran down to find his son, who was also swept away by the water. The two of them washed up on the beach, and when Dad woke up, he looked around as he ran to his son. Called "Mohammad", but the son did not wake up. Suddenly, a golden light glowed from Muhammad's hand, and he woke up.
Why does his hand glow with golden light? Did the color in the blind man's heart save him?
——Yang Jiachuma

commented: Everyone has a door in his heart, which reads: love, beauty, freedom. After opening, it is a colorful world. Unfortunately, someone lost the key, and someone built a high, thick wall in the doorway.

Muhammad's heart is very good, although he is blind, his heart is bright and there is no darkness.
I wish them, father and son, and the little sisters who are at home waiting for their return, a happy and prosperous life.
——Dayang Erche

Comments: This sentence is also bright, without a bit of darkness.

He can't see the beauty of the world, the bright sunshine, the colors of the world... He just touches happiness, wind, sunshine, and air with his hands...
Although his eyes are dark, but in his There is light in his eyes, he can feel the bird needs help, he knows "the old and the old and the old, the young and the young and the young". He knows to compare his heart to his heart, he knows that the little thing needs his help, so he will save it.
He has two beautiful sisters, but he cannot see his beautiful sister.
If possible, I'd like to exchange my cornea for his light, and let him see how big the world is, how beautiful the world is, how wonderful the world is...
—— Wang Zijinhua

Comments: You Wu You and Birds, Hehe, it's more fun to write this way.

When the little boy walked out of the school gate, he must be very happy. He should think on the way, have the two sisters grown taller? Will grandma still be as young as before? Will the home change for the better?
——Xiao Yang Liujin

Comments: You are an expert in psychology. You know what people think.

I want to say to that dad: You can't hurt your family in order to pursue your own happiness, such a person will not end well. Also, if you let a kid go where he doesn't want to go, he'll be very upset. A child is happy when he is with his friends, not closely behind you.
I would like to say to the people around you, when you choose something or do something, please also consider the feelings of others. Because you have your ideas, he has his ideas, not everyone's ideas are the same.
——Yang Liujin

Comments: Be tolerant of things you don’t understand, understand your opinions that you don’t agree with, and respect things you don’t like. It's hard, but always try to do it.

If I were blind, I might as well be dead. Because blind people can't see the beautiful, fun, interesting things in the world. I've been in darkness forever.
When Muhammad told the carpenter about his pain, I gradually shed tears. I think a father should act like a father, and a mother should be like a mother. Muhammad's father did a poor job.
——Mao Yongqing

commented: No matter what, if you have changed, you will be a good father. what do you say?

In the future, we must never laugh at or bully blind children, nor deaf people, nor speak ill of them behind their backs. If you treat everyone well. I believe that God will be kind to you too.
——Yang Bajin

commented: A beautiful world is not built by a few saints. It requires every ordinary person to make little efforts, love, gratitude and compassion.

This movie made me know the hard work and persistence of the blind. We should care for the blind, just like Muhammad's sister.
——Yang Zhima
's comment: Yang Zhima once again has a heart of compassion.

I can't believe a blind person can touch happiness. He can feel it with his hands without falling, just like a blind man has a lamp in his heart, so he will not fall. Some people can't see the beautiful things in this world, and some people are blind, but they can still feel happiness.
Although Muhammad was blind, he would touch lightly with his hands. He heard the bird's voice, went to find the bird in the grass, and put the bird back in the nest. He misses his family so much, he knows that Xiaoniao also has his own home, and Xiaoniao must be lonely in the grass alone.
What would you do if you were blind, there was no family to pick you up, no sister to take care of, and no relatives beside you to chat with you.
We have a pair of eyes, bright and charming, and neither cherish the beautiful. So why can blind people touch happiness and why can't we?
Why didn't anyone go and say "go to my house" to him? Don't people have sympathy and compassion for those who are suffering?
Muhammad was reluctant to study carpentry, and his father forced him to. Is there no option for children? Is it a child, if you want to throw it away, do you want it?
Dad finally made a change. When Muhammad fell, I don't think he would save him. Although he hesitated, he jumped.
In the end, I thought silently, to survive, I finally saw him survive, his hands up, in the golden sunlight.
—— Zhou Yuhua's

comment: To survive, find happiness, and pursue happiness.
The place where you stand is your China. China will be what you will be. What you are, what China is. If you have light, China will not be dark. (via: Cui Weiping)

[Note: "The Color of Heaven" is an appreciation film after the Chinese class "You and I are Humans - The Poor". The book, courseware and video confirm each other to expand the depth and breadth of the Chinese class. , towards a diversified and open classroom. 】

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The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.