Trigger the discussion of divinity again

Jalyn 2022-04-21 09:03:52

Finally watched it, speechless! To be honest, I have known this movie for a long time, and I downloaded it to the computer before, but after reinstalling it, it disappeared. It's not that I know it very early, no matter how early, it can only be as early as 18 years, haha. That year happened to be the year of my college entrance examination, so I have the impression that I watched the movie when it first came out that year. But she didn't think Lazaro was like the female classmate in our class, she only thought she was like Yang Mi, but it was a coincidence that most of our classmates also said that this female classmate was like Yang Mi.

It really feels like a colossus, you know, the eyes, the big round eyes, the slightly longer nose, the upper lip covering the lower lip, and the slightly curled hair. Then I asked her about it, and she said she felt like it. Then she said she was going to see this too, and I said it was an Italian movie. Then coincidentally, I remember that when she was in high school, she had planned to study in Italy, and it was very fate. Some things in life are just that. This time she also found her brother Jesus in Italy.

Because I don't know much about the Bible and Christianity, so I don't really feel the religious aspect when I watch the movie. It's also a reason that I'm really slow.

But I just read a movie review and felt like opening a new door, it felt very shocking, that is. I think I really appreciate having Bodhisattva write a film review, giving me a little chance to understand the true nature of things for people like me who don't know the background and some common sense.

It's true that I don't know much about Christianity but I'm interested (even though I haven't read the bible for years). Especially recently, I've been thinking about what kindness and divinity are, and I think it's amazing and touching.

Shouldn’t you be angry when you see good people suffer for no reason, and good people are consumed without a bottom line? Isn't this normal? But to be honest, most of the time, rather than being angry at the ignorant human beings who abused Jesus, I was actually more moved by Jesus’ good deeds. I was touched by God, when God gave himself wholeheartedly. That thing is very pure, there is no other evil thoughts at all, he is not even for peace of mind or arrogance or anything, he is just helping his disciples in such a pure way.

I saw God in such a state of desperation, being instigated by people, being consumed by people carelessly, being ignored by people, and being left aside. But you know he's a god, and I get goosebumps at times like this. I can't even fully describe what a huge emotional shock this is. Has the word God been glorified? When this word first entered my life, it always looked aloof and inviolable, but as I grew up, it became more and more diverse. There are so many kinds of gods, and they are also mixed with human struggles. The pure and pure parts extracted from people are sublimated into gods, and finally they fall into the filthiest people and suffer humiliation. This picture is too shocking and too catchy. Maybe my exaggerated criticism just likes to watch this kind of thing, I get it.

I don’t think it can be separated from the discussion of self, that is, the thing of “God”. I am wondering why I think “God” is so good, maybe it is because he doesn’t care about himself at all. Lazaro's divinity is too obvious, no matter what others do to him, he is not angry, even if others leave him the most tiring and dirty work, he will do it. I think "people" can never do this, no matter how bad they are. How can people not care about themselves? As long as people care about themselves a little bit, they will not allow others to ignore and use them like this. I just can't imagine being put into pigeons for making coffee, being disliked by people who have a high fever, and being beaten to death for going to the bank to help others.

Sometimes you are angry at why he is so honest and pure to the point of being almost stupid. You look at his clear eyes and feel a little annoyed why he can't adapt to the rules of the world. He doesn't seem to want anything, and his kindness that has no source and no purpose or destination is really frustrating.

4.24 Supplement ————

And thank you for the Naples quartet. To be honest, I can't tell the difference between European languages ​​other than English, but I recognized it as an Italian movie because there was a child named Stephanie in it, and Lila's first Her husband's name is Stefani. Once before, while watching "The Stone in the Pocket", I also recognized the Italian movie by the name "Enzo", the man Lila later lived with.

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Happy as Lazzaro quotes

  • Marchesa Alfonsina De Luna: Human beings are like animals. Set them free and they realize they are slaves locked in their own misery. Right now, they suffer, but they don't know. I exploit them, they exploit that poor man. It's a chain reaction that can't be stopped.

  • Marchesa Alfonsina De Luna: He who knows himself well is humbled in his own presence. And the praise of other men provokes no pleasure. If I were to know everything in the universe and scorned the charity who would bring me the grace of God? Who would judge my actions? One should go beyond the thirst for knowledge that is the root of distraction and disappointment.