Not a movie review, my childhood

Sonia 2022-04-19 09:03:16

After watching "Lazzaro felice" I am reminded of my childhood.

When I was young, my favorite place was my grandfather's factory in Xiangyang. At that time, the fields were endless, and I spent a holiday full of laughter and laughter there.

I remember there was a railway near Xiangyang Factory, and I always like to see the train. My grandfather hugged me tirelessly and walked ten minutes to the railroad track. Sometimes when it was too early, grandpa would hold me and wait for the train to come.

When I was a little older and could walk, the fields near Xiangyang Factory became my favorite playground. A group of children from the countryside, covered in mud, went to the next village to chop bamboo, catch chickens, steal lotus leaves, get chased by dogs, cook bamboo rice, and roast beggar chickens. What if someone chops down other people's bamboo, kills other chickens, and leaves lotus leaves in other people's ponds? In the end, it was my grandfather who helped me solve it.

Often when grandpa was playing mahjong, he would receive calls from villagers reporting that Ernie had come to cause trouble again. Once, my grandfather received a call again, saying that Ernie had set the rapeseed field on fire. Grandpa thought for a while, Ernie was not in Chengdu, and he did a lot of bad things. Later, no matter what bad things happened in the village, they would think that I did it.

A school in the city can never be as happy as a field in the countryside. I am a rebellious student. The teacher thinks that I have a mental problem and asks my parents to send me to see a doctor. For this reason, I changed three primary schools.

When I was in elementary school, my best friend was two children from Xiangyang Village. One was a panda and the other was an orphan. I had forgotten his name. We explore the mysterious world of childhood together, we run away from home together, we pick up firewood and sit together. The orphan's parents beat him every day. He picked it up on the side of the road. At that time, his parents were infertile. Later, ten years later, the parents successfully conceived and gave birth to a child. Every day I can hear his screams in the factory that is 800 meters away from him. So Panda and I decided to help him run away from home.

I stole the storage room snacks from my home: two boxes of instant noodles, a box of Coke, and a quilt. I took it to the orphan with the panda, but he couldn't handle it, so he took five packs of instant noodles, two bottles of Coke, and a cup. We didn't have a phone back then and I was worried about him. Every night, I sneaked out of the factory, and I was in the field with the panda, shouting his name. In the far away rice field, he stretched out his hand and lit the lighter. We saw his light and we knew he was fine, so we went home to sleep.

My happiest childhood was traveling from one village to another. I was covered in mud and blood, and my clothes were ripped. No one knew if I was a man or a woman. I had friends from all over the village. Let's explore the world together. Sometimes, I went too far and wanted to call my grandfather. In the countryside in 1995, I walked into a grocery store with a telephone. All the people stood up and looked at me. The boss rushed over to stop me. Broken child, don't mess around if you don't have money.

Hands with bloodstains and mud escaped a dollar from his trousers and dialed Grandpa's cell phone, the phone number I have always remembered. Grandpa picked it up with a smile and said, I'll call whoever and whoever will pick you up home.

When I was young, my grandfather asked me what gift I wanted, and I said I wanted a swimming pool of my own, but I never thought that my grandfather built one for me in the garden of the Xiangyang Factory in the village. Since then, Xiangyang Factory has become my childhood paradise. I fished in the fields, set off artillery pieces, made barbecues, and then took a group of children from the village to swim in the country garden. Because my face is covered with mud every day, and my clothes are full of holes, I am often regarded as a homeless doll in the countryside. Once I invited an unknown village girl to go swimming with me, and she stared at me and looked up and down. Say, do you have a swimsuit, you can't get in, be careful to be kicked out by the people inside.

When I grew up, the Xiangyang factory became less and less, and the fields became a factory area. After more than 20 years, many people, many places, and many things have changed.

When I was a child, my grandfather took me to see the train, and I saw the train coming from a very distant place, just like the distant world I have always longed for. I took the imprint of my hometown, my family, my grandfather to accompany me growing up, and started my own adventure. It’s not easy to complete creations alone in a foreign country. Whenever I encounter hardships, dangers, loneliness, and confusion, I will think of my childhood, beggar chickens, bamboo rice, swimming pools, and grandpa taking me to wait. I just knew the train would come and everything would be fine.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, my grandfather is 80 years old.

One person has come a long way, and in the end it just takes us back to where we originally started.


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Happy as Lazzaro quotes

  • Marchesa Alfonsina De Luna: Human beings are like animals. Set them free and they realize they are slaves locked in their own misery. Right now, they suffer, but they don't know. I exploit them, they exploit that poor man. It's a chain reaction that can't be stopped.

  • Marchesa Alfonsina De Luna: He who knows himself well is humbled in his own presence. And the praise of other men provokes no pleasure. If I were to know everything in the universe and scorned the charity who would bring me the grace of God? Who would judge my actions? One should go beyond the thirst for knowledge that is the root of distraction and disappointment.