
Kristian 2022-10-18 04:12:00

2018.07.24 I watched "Stuck in Love" (it was very rough), and the thing that touched me the most was probably Samantha who changed herself because of Louis. From a level that I can't tell, maybe it's a bit exaggerated. He saved Samantha. He made Samantha less enthusiastic about pleasure-seeking than before, and even changed the relationship between Samantha and her mother. There is also Rusty and the girl he likes. Girls are also the kind of messy people, even taking drugs and so on. To be honest, I don't like her very much, probably because she is not a good girl, he is not worthy of Rusty, a good boy. But she is also willing to change for him. I remembered myself in the first half of 2017. I used to be a mess. No goals and dreams, nothing to want, nothing but doing nothing all day long, talking about a boyfriend who is also a mess. The whole time I think about it feels disgusting and malaise. I don't fit in with my family, I'm incompatible with the whole world, and I'm full of hostility. I think it makes me disgusting and nauseous when I think about it. In the second half of 2017, I finally broke up with that person. For me, it was a relief and a good start. Another person walked into my world for the second time. In the past, I unilaterally thought our relationship was very good, even though he didn't tell me anything, but I told him everything. He re-entered my world. Then my world changed. From that sluggish day to a positive day, I have ideals and goals. We were together after various reasons. I felt that he was here to save me and pulled me out of the swamp. Grind away my edges and corners and kill my hostility. Let me no longer be so tired of the world, let me feel that the world is cute. Sure enough, what kind of person you will become with. Probably so many, this diary remembers too sloppyly, I feel sad, I don't want to say it anymore.

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Stuck in Love. quotes

  • Rusty Borgens: I remember that it hurt. Looking at her hurt.

  • Samantha Borgens: Just avoid love at all costs. That's my motto.