artist is artist

Sven 2022-04-23 07:05:17

Hitler found the soil that belonged to him, and with fanaticism, ignited this land of humiliation. Obedient Germans, eager to get rid of this humiliation, are motivated by a bright future, and under this inspiration, they are willing to give up everything for Germany.
Hitler never took off his clothes, even in the hot summer, he refused to take off his jacket in front of outsiders; I want the best military uniforms, so that young people can join the army for one set; before the German army invaded the city, they often The symphony band moved to the city, and before people realized that the Germans had occupied the city. All of this suggests that the Nazis were, to a certain extent, a performative army. In fact, almost all the military have this feature, such a show that makes people forget their personal life and death. Look at those oaths, those ceremonies, all to bring people into a strange state, to awaken the humble reverence that people are born with.
And Lenny, as he himself says, is an artist. She depicts the real state of the Germans by artistic means, and she herself is a microcosm of the Germans. I'm just xx, I'm not xx,. In such a sentence, she perfectly presents the psychology of the Germans in World War II. They separated the relationship between morality and what they did. We are just people. I am not responsible for considering whether the decision is correct or not. They are perfect soldiers. , but are bad, incapable of self-judgment citizens.
Going back to the film, the director's devotion to art and superb technology determined that they were completely different from Chinese propaganda films. The principles of all revolutions, all movements are the same, it is only the anti-human nature of Germany that is stigmatized. The reason why the film resonates so much is that it depicts the characters of different classes in a specific and subtle way. Different people show their devotion to the Nazis, but they are not false, and it is easy for people to have a sense of belonging. Innocent children are most likely to let people down, and the love of youth makes people smile knowingly. This feeling is interspersed in the depiction of Nazis from beginning to end. This is a natural link between the Nazi spirit and these beautiful things. Use of human nature. Moreover, the fanatical supporters of the Nazis are often young people, who are more likely to be brainwashed, which is why most of the young people featured in the film are featured.
In short, a failed painter has to direct a ridiculous performance, while a really successful director successfully freezes the moment.

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The Triumph of the Will quotes

  • Adolf Hitler: There is always a part of society that sets themselves apart and more is expected from them than from the millions of national comrades. For them, it is not enough to simply pledge 'I believe', but rather the affirmation 'I fight'!

    [Thunderous applause]

  • Rudolf Hess: [adressing Hitler] You were our guarantor of victory. You are our guarantor of peace. Heil Hitler! Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil!