Queen Margaux/Reine Margot, La

Berenice 2022-12-15 05:35:20

After watching this movie, I can only say that it is amazing. Stunning Margaux, Hongyan is destined to be lonely. There are too many helplessness and too many ties in court love. The prince in my heart is destined to die. The blood-stained history is ruthless and has never forgiven love. One is the queen, the other is the poor. One is Catholic and one is Protestant. No matter how deep and deep the love is, it is always impossible to ask for forgiveness from history and fate. The prince of love is destined to be only in a dream, destined to be only a moment, and death is his helpless destination. The queen of love is destined to be locked in the palace, destined to have only the king as her husband, and loneliness is the cage from which she cannot escape. History is like that, leaving us speechless.
Classic sharing:
God chooses me to go to her, I will give her freedom.

You're still alive, I know you recognized me from the beginning, from the very first
morning you smelled jasmine, and I was thinking: maybe she's ugly or disfigured under the mask, but it doesn't matter, you don't let me I kiss you

I think: she's even lonelier than me, her love is looking for revenge

I tried to forget you, but you came to me again that terrible night! God led me to you, I opened my eyes during the slaughter and you were there.

I walked around town with a mask on that night, looking for love

She gave me life, but she was no longer my mother, once she got her life back!

Suppressing a person's grief is a kind of dignity towards death

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Queen Margot quotes

  • Charles IX: One who gives life is no longer a mother once she takes that life back.

  • Margot: La Mole would die for us!

    Henri: For *us*?

    Margot: Yes, for us.

    Henri: He'd die for another night with you.