There have been a lot of recent Indian films about opposition to hegemony, "Farmers' Revolution", "Jay Bim", and this "Swordsman Kanan", each of which depicts almost exactly the same brutality and cruelty of Indian police to low-caste people . It's hard not to believe that the Indian police are indeed doing such a thing. These films are actually very similar, but "Swordsman Kanan" is the most beautiful of the three films. The display of pastoral scenery and the structure of various intentions make this film look very seductive. The donkey tied with its front legs symbolizes the bound villagers; the death of the uncle echoes the newborn baby; the incarnation of the younger sister is the goddess of nemesis, applauding for the pursuit of justice and eradication of evil. Indian movies are really reassuring. Whether it's "Manslaughter" or today's movie, what Indian law cannot give to the people can only be obtained by the people themselves. I think this should also be the blood in the bones of the Indian people.
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