bear story my story

Keanu 2022-04-21 09:03:46

This movie starts from that winter.
That winter, I just met her, and we weren't too close. It's just that after class in the evening, we occasionally go to the casserole shop outside the school for dinner together.
The location of this casserole shop is relatively remote, and there are usually not many people. The bosses are an old couple. The grandmother is enthusiastic and shrewd, chatting with guests, making casserole, collecting money, and busying herself. The old grandpa looks a little clumsy and rarely speaks. All he can do is cut green onion and coriander.
The casserole dumplings in that shop are the things we order most often. She doesn't like tofu in it, so every time the casserole is served, the first thing she does is pick the tofu for me.
In addition to tofu, I don't like parsley and green onion, especially parsley. Grandpa sometimes forgets that she said no coriander. So when the casserole was served, she would look at the coriander inside, smiled helplessly, complained softly, and then picked out the coriander. But if this complaint was heard by the grandmother, she would scold the grandfather for a long time. The old man didn't make a sound, and continued to cut his chopped green onion and coriander.
That day, we went to the casserole shop again. It was late, the weather was cold, and there were no other customers in the store. We ordered the casserole only to see Bear Tale playing on the TV in the store. She was very happy and said that she liked this movie very much. The little bear in it was very cute, but when she chatted with her friends before, no one had seen it. Her words surprised me a little, because, I am just like her.
I don't know if it's because of the movie. Then the first gift I gave her was also a teddy bear. White, not very big, only 18 yuan in my impression. But after buying this bear, I really lost a penny on me. Although I have forgotten how the rest of the month was spent, I still remember how happy she was holding the white bear.
Later, whenever we talked about "The Bear's Tale", we all felt that it was our destiny. Otherwise, why didn't we find a friend to talk about the movie with before we met each other? Why can't we see this movie together in the store together?
At that time, we all believed in this, but there is no destiny in life. Now, she and I have been separated for more than 4 years, but I have a very poor memory, but I can't forget those trivial times. I can't forget what I experienced with her at that time, the sunshine in spring, the loneliness in summer, the rain in autumn, and the casserole in winter.
This is real life! I know she is doing fine now. I also know that I always miss that winter, that casserole shop, that she who gave me tofu.
This shouldn't be a movie review, who cares. I just watched "Bear's Tale" again, and suddenly felt a little regretful. During the 5 years we were with her, we never sat down together and watched the movie in its entirety. This is my favorite movie, one that I would never recommend to anyone else.

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The Bear quotes

  • Tom: [speaks to bear cub] I... Tom.

  • [Angered by the death and maiming of their horses and mule by the Kodiak bear in retaliation for being shot by his companion Tom, Bill is filled with vengeance]

    Bill: I swear it I'll kill you!

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