This is an anti-shopaholic movie

Marques 2021-12-16 08:01:06

This is an anti-shopaholic movie.

Although the routines are old-fashioned, the plots are still smooth and smooth. All the things the hostess did for the shopping sickness are understandable, and even all the lies she told are understandable. Therefore, the result of debt collection is also understandable.

The ending of being on TV is to expose all lies. Such a move is really exciting and straightforward. This also made her lose her love, friendship and work. (This paragraph has a huge impact on shopaholics!)

It is undeniable that the heroine's success in the editorial department is the result of her own energy. Cheng Ye green scarf, and finally liberated the heroine is also a green scarf.

Of course, the last is also a common happy ending~

PS: Looking at it from another angle, it is still quite educational~

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Extended Reading

Confessions of a Shopaholic quotes

  • Jane Bloomwood: Cake?

    Alette Naylor: [hesitant] Yes.

    Alette Naylor: Oh no no no no, sorry, tiny, tiny, tiny. TINY! TINY!

    [cuts a sliver of crumbs]

    Alette Naylor: Thank you.

  • Rebecca Bloomwood: Well, these cashmere gloves I *need* as it is winter, and I have... Hands.