You leave me and I'll spend the rest of my life half asleep

Myrna 2022-04-24 07:01:18

I was recommended to watch this movie by chance. I didn’t have the surging passion that I had when I watched BBM before. I was really excited after watching it on BBM haha~
The style of the movie is very clean and very British, with scenes that British people often have, living room, bedroom , dinner, hunting, very British elements. Also impressive is the soundtrack, which can set off the plot of the movie, such as the melody of C and M playing the piano when they were in college. In the end, after C learned that M fell in love with another person, the sound of the piano slowly flowing out confirmed his unspeakable feeling of loss at that time.
After watching this play, I didn't cry, only very calm emotions, and I felt very tangled in my heart. In fact, this outcome is not unexpected at all. Everything is determined by the society at that time. Of course, we can push all the responsibility to society, public opinion or all factors other than ourselves, which is a wise move in the eyes of many people. However, it has become a difficult thing for a person to follow his own heart. Maybe it is easier to go against his own heart and nature. Otherwise, C wouldn't get married, but his respect for his wife was too obvious, which revealed his inner suffering. Why did the person who said love at the beginning didn't persist to the end? Is it because he loved earlier, he would have to withdraw earlier, no matter how painful or tormented, it only exists in his heart, and others will never understand.
It's hard to live your life according to your own heart, it's the same for everyone.
If I really don't have you, I don't know what the rest of my life will look like. Is it really half-awake?

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Maurice quotes

  • Alec Scudder: Tomorrow's Thursday. Friday's packing. Saturday's Southampton, so it's goodbye, Old England.

    Maurice Hall: You mean that you and I shan't meet again after now?

    Alec Scudder: That's right, you've got it quite correct.

    Maurice Hall: Stay with me.

    Alec Scudder: Stay? Miss my boat? You daft? Of all the bloody rubbish. Order me about again, you would.

    Maurice Hall: It's a chance in a thousand we met. You know it. Why don't you stay?

    Alec Scudder: Stay? With you? How? And where? With your Ma? Oh yeah. What would she say if she saw me? All rough and ugly the way I am. My people wouldn't take to you one bit. I don't blame them, either. And how would you run your job, I'd like to know?

    Maurice Hall: I shall chuck it.

    Alec Scudder: Your job in the City? What gives you money and position? You talk like a man who's never had to earn his living.

    Maurice Hall: You can do anything. Once you know what it is. We can live without money, without people. We can live without position. We're not fools. We're both strong. There'd be some place we could go.

    Alec Scudder: Wouldn't work, Maurice. Be the ruin of

    [pauses; sits down]

    Alec Scudder: us both. Can't you see?

  • Alec Scudder: Now, we shan't never be parted. It's finished.