One in a thousand chance!

Deontae 2022-04-23 07:03:42

Saw the movie Maurice. The Chinese name is "Morris's Lover", it would be nice if you don't change it casually. After watching the movie, I realized that it was based on E.M. Foster's novel Maurice. I saw the movie "A Room with a View", which was adapted from his novel a long time ago, and the plot has been forgotten. I read the introduction of the novel "The Longest Journey" today, and I want to read it a little bit. When will I buy it? The kind of stories that sacrificed their lives for the sake of feelings, or broke free from the bondage of the world and moved towards freedom, always attracted and moved me.

This movie is some time ago I saw some stills and trailers posted by someone on Weibo. I was attracted by those clips. I joked that I couldn't resist the temptation of beauty to watch the movie, but I was actually attracted by the extraordinary desperate relationship between them. Of course, several beautiful teenagers are also very attractive. The beautiful teenagers in their youth, with white shirts, simple eyes, and bright smiles, are very lethal to anyone at any time.

I've watched a lot of gay movies, but I'm not interested in gay men. I'm not a rotten girl, and I'm not interested in BL novels and haven't read them. It's just that some of the writers, poets, and artists I like happen to be gay, and I've watched some biographical films. In a way, only noble people are gay because they have a special spiritual realm that understands and appreciates spiritual involvement in a little more relationship. Of course, maybe it was like that a long time ago, maybe it was a combination of spirit and flesh at the beginning, or maybe it was just for the pleasure of the body. In short, as long as it is out of natural and sincere feelings, gender doesn't matter.

The actors of the three men in this movie are all handsome and attractive, and even make me think that men are so charming, why should I like women who are pretentious and troublesome? Both men and women should like men! Of course it's a joke, or it's more natural for men and women to fall in love. It's just that they are really touching together, their feelings are natural and sincere, and they look very harmonious. When they are intimate, they are even more beautiful than a man and a woman together. Every shot is exquisite, just like I once said that if I want to make a movie and start a magazine, I want every shot and every piece of paper to look beautiful.

Cliff bravely expressed his feelings to Morris at first, saying that he knew that Morris had read "The Symposium" during the holiday, so he should understand, and Morris asked him what he understood without him saying it. He said: I love you. But after seeing what happened to a man whose future was ruined by being jailed for being gay, he was terrified. He told Morris: "If we continue like this, we are betting on everything we have. Our future, our family, our reputation." Morris said: "I don't care about reputation at all, I can't imagine not having What would your life be like? I'm willing to risk everything, and I'm happy to do so because the only thing I'm afraid of losing is you. You're my only happiness.

" Worse, people should communicate, talk. The premise is to have someone to talk to, just like them. But Cliff says there are other paths to happiness that we can explore. Think how easy life would be if you didn't have to go through this. Without this secret, you can never talk to anyone about your lover, servants will have all kinds of ideas, you are always asked when you are getting married, and you have girls in droves in front of you because your family is so enthusiastic. He thought he could care for a girl, marry her, and have a family. In the end, he did that for the sake of his future, and he hoped that Morris would fall in love with a girl.

But Morris fell in love with Cliff's servant Scudder, who climbed the ladder and went in through the window, asking if he was calling him? After the passion, Morris asked him: "Have you ever dreamed of having a friend, a friend who can be with you for life?" chance. Scudder thought that was unrealistic and would not work. Morris said you can do anything as long as you know what you want. He said they could live together, no money, no relatives, no status, there was always a place they could go. Scudder left anyway, saying it would ruin the two of them, and they might as well have never met.

On the day he was leaving, Morris went to the boat to see Scudder off, but he didn't get on the boat and he gave up going to Argentina for him. Before Maurice went, Scudder asked him to go to the houseboat he didn't have an appointment to find him. Scudder thought he had received his telegram and went to the boathouse. In fact, he did not receive it. He just telepathically took him to him and waited for him. The place. It was a houseboat by the lake, like a dream place. Scudder hugged Morris and said, "We'll never be apart again."

At the end of the movie, when Cliff closes the window, he seems to see Morris calling him downstairs in Cambridge many years ago, and it ends like that . I didn't expect them to have a happy ending in the movie, without playing the obstacles and hardships they will encounter, just keep them together and never be apart again. While tragedy has a poignant charm, I love the happy ending of the movie. What a wonderful thing it is to be with people who truly love each other!

But the reality is not so beautiful. Morris also went to a doctor for treatment because he liked the same sex. The doctor advised him to leave the UK. He said he didn't need to remind him. People like them would be sentenced to death in the UK. Some countries that accept homosexuality. Morris asked if Britain could not be like those countries? The doctor said: "Britain has always refused to recognize human nature." I think of Wilde with grief and indignation. He was persecuted like that, and he lost his health and passion for creation, and finally left this world before his talent was exhausted.

After the movie, I remembered the scene where Morris and Scudder were flirting with each other on the cricket ground. Yes, the facial expressions between men can also be beautiful and charming. It's a beautiful feeling. Silent is better than sound. "I'm determined to make two men love each other no matter what, even though it's in a fictional world, and to keep their love alive as long as the novel allows," Foster said.

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Maurice quotes

  • Alec Scudder: Tomorrow's Thursday. Friday's packing. Saturday's Southampton, so it's goodbye, Old England.

    Maurice Hall: You mean that you and I shan't meet again after now?

    Alec Scudder: That's right, you've got it quite correct.

    Maurice Hall: Stay with me.

    Alec Scudder: Stay? Miss my boat? You daft? Of all the bloody rubbish. Order me about again, you would.

    Maurice Hall: It's a chance in a thousand we met. You know it. Why don't you stay?

    Alec Scudder: Stay? With you? How? And where? With your Ma? Oh yeah. What would she say if she saw me? All rough and ugly the way I am. My people wouldn't take to you one bit. I don't blame them, either. And how would you run your job, I'd like to know?

    Maurice Hall: I shall chuck it.

    Alec Scudder: Your job in the City? What gives you money and position? You talk like a man who's never had to earn his living.

    Maurice Hall: You can do anything. Once you know what it is. We can live without money, without people. We can live without position. We're not fools. We're both strong. There'd be some place we could go.

    Alec Scudder: Wouldn't work, Maurice. Be the ruin of

    [pauses; sits down]

    Alec Scudder: us both. Can't you see?

  • Alec Scudder: Now, we shan't never be parted. It's finished.