I love Morris, but it's hard to express pain, pain, pain, pain

Davonte 2022-04-20 09:02:11

I have never been so shocked and obsessed by a movie or character . I
watched it 7 times in a week, I went to work every day, and watched various movie reviews on the Internet. I didn't notice many details. I watched it once when I got home from work. I appreciate some details that I have overlooked. Every time I watch it, the feeling is slightly different.
Now I forget the specific feeling of watching it for the first time. I rarely watch a movie more than 2 times. I'm going to see it again right away, and regret not finishing it right away.
The first time I watched it, I hoped that cLive and Maurice would be back together until the end.
I like every moment and every appearance of Maurice, especially at the wedding, it's a pain and pain to watch my lover leave, but I can't describe it. Maurice can only bear this kind of pain alone. Has cLive felt it? If he felt it, how could he bear to make Maurice suffer like this? But how could he not feel that? He is the only one who can be sure. Know why Maurice is in pain.
Maurice finally said to cLive: I once belonged to you, and I want to belong to you forever, until I die...(It's a helplessness, a pity, even if I meet Scudder)
The last cLive looked out the window Maurice, who is as brilliant as gold, waved her hand. What kind of melancholy? Is it love? , but by no means a sense of relief....

Words are too scarce, I just want to shout:
Maurice Maurice Maurice Maurice
love love love love love love love............ .................
Really want to marry MauriceMauriceMaurice even if he only loves men

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Extended Reading

Maurice quotes

  • Alec Scudder: Tomorrow's Thursday. Friday's packing. Saturday's Southampton, so it's goodbye, Old England.

    Maurice Hall: You mean that you and I shan't meet again after now?

    Alec Scudder: That's right, you've got it quite correct.

    Maurice Hall: Stay with me.

    Alec Scudder: Stay? Miss my boat? You daft? Of all the bloody rubbish. Order me about again, you would.

    Maurice Hall: It's a chance in a thousand we met. You know it. Why don't you stay?

    Alec Scudder: Stay? With you? How? And where? With your Ma? Oh yeah. What would she say if she saw me? All rough and ugly the way I am. My people wouldn't take to you one bit. I don't blame them, either. And how would you run your job, I'd like to know?

    Maurice Hall: I shall chuck it.

    Alec Scudder: Your job in the City? What gives you money and position? You talk like a man who's never had to earn his living.

    Maurice Hall: You can do anything. Once you know what it is. We can live without money, without people. We can live without position. We're not fools. We're both strong. There'd be some place we could go.

    Alec Scudder: Wouldn't work, Maurice. Be the ruin of

    [pauses; sits down]

    Alec Scudder: us both. Can't you see?

  • Alec Scudder: Now, we shan't never be parted. It's finished.