
Lucile 2022-04-21 09:03:02

encouter, one hundred minutes long, every frame is beautiful, bizarre creatures under the ice, five-shaped creatures with four long slender legs, crazy penguins heading inland away from their habitats, dying on the road, volcanoes exposed to magma, There are also people who live in Antarctica with dreams and stories in their hearts, women who stick to the ice and listen to voices from another world, and scientists who are looking for new species under the ice. The eyes of the people in the camera are very focused. I came across a very quiet and beautiful world.

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Extended Reading

Encounters at the End of the World quotes

  • Werner Herzog: It occurred to me that in the time that we spent with him in the greenhouse possibly three or four languages have died. In our efforts to preserve endangered species we seem to overlook something equally important. To me, it's a sign of a deeply disturbed civilization, where tree-huggers and whale-huggers in their weirdness are acceptable, while no one embraces the last speakers of a language.

  • Werner Herzog: For me, the best description of hunger is the description of bread. A poet said that once I think. For me, the best description of freedom is what you have in front of you. You're travelling a lot.