love and freedom

Maryam 2022-04-21 09:03:02

Love and freedom are eternal themes.
The story of the great writer Toweng and his wife's love and hate, as well as Valentine and Martha, are constantly proving the power of faith. The end of the play is very touching. There are no perfect men and women, but there is a fusion of souls, and the spirit and reality will not be unified. It is in the details that the meaning is realized.
Not everything can be labeled as ism, belief should not be shackled, the countess loves her husband very much, but her behavior changed Toon's decision, allowing ambitious children to take advantage, the final subtitle, the upper house ruled Copyright goes to the Countess.

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Extended Reading

The Last Station quotes

  • Sofya Tolstaya: Oh, Leovochka, why do you insist on dressing like that?

    Leo Tolstoy: What do you mean, like what?

    Sofya Tolstaya: Like a man who looks after the sheep!

    Leo Tolstoy: It wasn't meant to offend you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: You're a count, for God's sake!

  • Leo Tolstoy: Despite good cause for it, I have never stopped loving you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: Of course.

    Leo Tolstoy: But God knows you don't make it easy!

    Sofya Tolstaya: Why should it be easy? I am the work of your life, you are the work of mine. That's what love is!