How could you?

Destinee 2022-04-20 09:02:14

Haven't read Tolstoy's work, but read his biography. He's been a great man to many people, but I didn't like this old man who thought of himself as a saint from the very beginning.
I don't want to judge the film as good or bad, because it doesn't really matter that much. Because there are more important things here, more need for our patient thinking, and ultimately everyone will make a choice - whether a social movement needs fanaticism and blind enthusiasm to promote it.
In fact, on this issue, Mao Zedong has long analyzed the attributes of the petty bourgeoisie and solved it. But it was repeatedly ignored by people, and eventually by Mao himself.
When an activity develops to such a stage, people lose their minds and are completely controlled by fanaticism, that is, the loss of free will. What the end result of such an activity will bring, in fact, we do not need to discuss. Look at what religious madness has done in history, look at what the so-called nationalists have done.
As a person who pursues liberation and opposes oppression, how can you tolerate such a thing, and how can you be with such a person?
In fact, in the end, a writer is also a writer, and he cannot become a revolutionary, much less a revolutionary leader. Because they are too romantic and too pretentious. Such a person cannot be a saint, but just a literati who has been too tempted to lose himself.

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The Last Station quotes

  • Sofya Tolstaya: Oh, Leovochka, why do you insist on dressing like that?

    Leo Tolstoy: What do you mean, like what?

    Sofya Tolstaya: Like a man who looks after the sheep!

    Leo Tolstoy: It wasn't meant to offend you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: You're a count, for God's sake!

  • Leo Tolstoy: Despite good cause for it, I have never stopped loving you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: Of course.

    Leo Tolstoy: But God knows you don't make it easy!

    Sofya Tolstaya: Why should it be easy? I am the work of your life, you are the work of mine. That's what love is!