If you dare to put me in the palm of your hand, I will dare to follow you around the world.

Summer 2022-04-19 09:02:40

When I was studying, I always wondered, the so-called saint, the so-called famous saying, the so-called doctrine, whether it is because he himself contains those deep thoughts, obscure hints, classic theories, or because he became a celebrity, every celebrity's every day. Every sentence should be profound, so those meanings formed by the constant interpretation and excavation by others?
"Maybe there are times when he doesn't think much of it at all." I always think.
Although I don't know whether it is right or wrong, there is a fact that is becoming more and more clear
-the saints are often shaped and used by the times.
Injecting a certain purposeful interpretation, creating a most favorable and perfect image, using his leadership and inspirational values, let more people follow "him", no, follow the tampered "he" you want.
The fact that it has been tampered with, because tampering is easy to abet.
The people are easy to agitate, easy to follow blindly, and easy to go to extremes.
The ego has not yet fully awakened, and cannot always examine the environment rationally.
People need faith, guidance, sustenance, and a path.
Churches, societies, political parties, gangs...
come out and tell you, come with me, yes!
No matter what era it is.
Who says we're not stuck in this right now?

Faith is not a bad thing, as long as it guides us in the pursuit of good things.
Tolstoy said that all religions, beliefs and ideas in the world have one thing in common, and that is love.
We do what we think is right in the name of love.
But what is love?
Love is about making you and those around you better.
Love is what makes us like each other more, and makes us like ourselves more.
Love is respect, tolerance, forgiveness, dedication, and a rich and complete life experience.
I really can't answer this question!
This subject is so grand, great, and huge, that my shallow thoughts have no way to penetrate and comprehend the higher realm.
However, I believe that a person who can't even love his own life can't talk about great love!
The so-called human beings and the so-called society keep saying that they turn a blind eye to the most real emotions under their eyes.
Abstinence, obstruction, restriction, denial, ignorance of human nature, annihilation of self, stubbornness to self-righteous truth.
Aren't human beings and society made up of real individuals?
Does the so-called care and height have to escape from the natural life?
I don't understand! Maybe this is the gap between ordinary people and saints!

Take a look at JAMES in the film. He came with fiery faith. When he mentioned that great sport and great man, he would be excited, speechless, and tearful.
With such enthusiasm and determination, why is he getting more and more confused.
Because he found that it was not like this.
What kind of person is the Countess? How is their relationship as husband and wife? What rules should be followed in the manor? What is the real pursuit?
Totally, not as he was told.
Chekov asked him to use a diary to monitor every move in the manor. Sophia told him to keep a diary and write down what you saw and felt.
He began to use his own judgment to understand the world and his surroundings.
What an important step this is!
In the past, he always used Tolstoy's quotations as his own criterion, but Tolstoy said: "This is my opinion, so what is your opinion? You believe me more than I do, and I myself don't. Trust my own theory."
How true. The real duty of a philosopher is not to advocate that all people follow their own "truths", but to inspire more people to discover the world with their own power.
There is no absolute truth, what matters is the values ​​we form ourselves to examine, recognize and judge everything.
Only in this way will we be truly satisfied and happy.

In fact, the starting point of all Tolstoy's thoughts are those real loves, right?
He misses those joys, he enjoys that freedom, and at the end of his life he calls out to his intimate lover.
What he advocates and pursues is actually different from Chekov.
He encourages those who are most genuinely moved.
He wants to do more for "fairness", but he can handle it better.
Don't let so many outsiders intervene in your life, be more considerate of your wife, and always make her feel valued...
If a person strives for the cause of all mankind and destroys his own family, he may be a great man, but he is not Unqualified and incompetent.
When he signed the will, he said, "I am a conspirator."
Of course the Countess could have done better.
Since it is what he wants to do, then go support him. It doesn't matter if she is tired or tired, she has grown up with 13 children anyway, and everyone has problems that they should face.
Worrying about tomorrow will take responsibility for tomorrow, and it is really not right to quarrel and make noise.
Unconditional support shows the depth of love, isn't it?

To be honest, I really like this old lady.
Her wisdom and foresight are no less than that of Tolstoy. She is also of noble birth and talented. Her understanding and thoughts on life are sometimes more real and more in line with human nature than Tolstoy.
She pursues love so persistently, no matter what kind of person her husband is in the eyes of others, as a wife, she insists on defending her right to be loved. No matter how many quarrels and quarrels, she could not stop her deep love for him.
Her true temperament never hides herself in the face of the outside world, she lives her own life, walks her own way, and lives her own way. She laughed when she was happy, shouted when she was unhappy, she didn't like what others wanted to say, but she didn't care either.
Such an excellent woman hides herself silently under the halo of her sage husband, and works hard for her all her life.
In her eyes, "You are my miracle, and I am your miracle, and this is LOVE."
In fact, she is very simple, and only hopes to gain attention.
What right do others have to slander and slander her, and what right do they have to deny their 48-year relationship, all this is so ridiculous.

In the end, he left.
A great man left. Hundreds of reporters at the door wept bitterly, and people all over the country wept bitterly.
But what is in these tears?
Is the collapse of faith, or blind emotion. Maybe soon, it will be replaced.
A husband leaves, a wife looks around in silence, and there may be no tears in real pain.
Some feelings will never be felt by others because they are irreplaceable.

After watching "The Last Station", I was very excited.
I see a conspiracy of a saint, a ridiculous age, a woman defending love, and a process of self-awakening.
What does it really mean to be admired? I just want simple happiness, that's all.

PS: The acting skills of Wheat and Helen are really NB!

As long as you have me in your dreams, I will take your dreams as your dreams.

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Extended Reading

The Last Station quotes

  • Sofya Tolstaya: Oh, Leovochka, why do you insist on dressing like that?

    Leo Tolstoy: What do you mean, like what?

    Sofya Tolstaya: Like a man who looks after the sheep!

    Leo Tolstoy: It wasn't meant to offend you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: You're a count, for God's sake!

  • Leo Tolstoy: Despite good cause for it, I have never stopped loving you.

    Sofya Tolstaya: Of course.

    Leo Tolstoy: But God knows you don't make it easy!

    Sofya Tolstaya: Why should it be easy? I am the work of your life, you are the work of mine. That's what love is!