Love people more when you are in good times, because you may not be able to hold on when adversity comes.

Hester 2022-11-14 22:12:24

I went back to school last week and took a lot of photos in the intensive spring rain by the lake. It happened that it was lunch time, and I couldn't meet passers-by A and B to give us pointers.

That is, by this lake, I have read "The Moon and Sixpence" many times, memorized IELTS template essays, practiced spoken conversations, and dreamed many dreams about future ideals and impracticalities.

At that time, I just borrowed a brand new dark red cover from the library, "Love in the Period of Cholera", lying in my hands. The first day I read only a little because of the noisy environment, and the second day I read it again for the same reason. One point, and then suddenly one day like Zhuo Geng, who has learned to fly, began to flap his wings and fly tirelessly. I was also caught in the craze of reading. Later I discovered that every Marquez book I read is Follow this trajectory to cyclically develop.

Fifty-three years, eleven months, and seven days, love can be a wait that spans time and appearance. Feelings that were uncertain when he was young, even if he has played a lot of guns, he will never forget. In order to seize the opportunity to be with each other, stubborn, wandering, debauched, and prosperous, nothing has been experienced before, when I can finally hug you, other young bodies can't remember the trace, "I saw you for the first time, alone in the crowd beauty".

Most of the novels written by Philip Dick are labeled as "cyberpunk", with the phrase "Can a Bionic Man Dream of an Electronic Sheep?" "(AKA "Blade Runner"). Most of the well-known novels have been adapted into movies, and the "The man in the high castle" (), which was made into a TV series, creates a sad, chaotic, and yet unconventional perspective. A post-war world that seems to contain hope.

The adapted TV series seems to be very unfaithful to the original, but this deviating method has allowed it to shoot for three seasons, and the ratings have been soaring. After HBO and NETFLIX, the TV series produced by AMAZON can also be labeled as boutique. It is said that it is preparing Spend 1 billion US dollars to shoot the TV series version of "Three-Body". After watching the first season, I feel that the adaptation is a success, and the TV series is aimed at a wider audience, so it is more critical. After the adaptation, the characters have become full, flesh and blood, and have their own different emotional systems, and the audience can better resonate. Otherwise, just watching the heroine and the Nazi spy get to the bed, coupled with a series of dizzy decisions, will definitely make the popularity stomped. In the TV series, the heroine Juliana may fluctuate mentally at some point, but she has always controlled the bottom line. Even if her boyfriend Frank Jew did not see what the audience saw, he was suspicious of her, but Whenever Juliana said "Frank, can you trust me?", he obeyed. This is like many couples in life. In relationships, the male side is often submissive and humble.

Juliana's stepfather worked secretly for the Japanese for fifteen years, in order to support the family and establish her own network in order to give the family the greatest degree of protection. However, even if he took the position of the small boss, his daughter Chuti was killed in the street by the gendarmerie for engaging in reactionary activities. When he and his wife learned the news from Juliana, they couldn't keep it secret, they collapsed instantly. No one wanted to work hard for the enemy but could not preserve the happiness of the family. All he can do is hug his wife tightly.

Like the original book, Japanese Minister of Trade Takami is an old-school figure who uses the Book of Changes for divination beforehand. We don’t know if he has done a lot of evil things like other Japanese officials before. From the image shown in the play alone, he It is more positive. He may be about to retire, or he may have been trapped in the quagmire of the war for so long that he always has a fluke for Japan’s current victory. In his heart, he is more concerned about people and his hometown. miss. He is passionate about planting flowers every day, using yarrow to calculate a few trigrams, and sadly thinking about his wife and relatives in his hometown.

Before the deputy commander-in-chief of the German Empire in New York went to a hunting appointment, he said to his wife, "If I did not come back, don't let the commander-in-chief get close to the children." There is no cure. He left home in silence, without hugs or kisses, but he loved his wife and children.

The camera cuts to Berlin, where Colonel Rudolf, who is regarded as a spy by all parties, is threatened by a child by the commander-in-chief and is about to embark on the path of no return to assassinating Hitler. He was neatly dressed and met his wife and son, whom he had not seen for a long time. His son had ignored him, and his wife had left him countless times numb. He hugged his son and said something to him that he didn't understand at his age. His wife realized that it was unusual, her eyes were shining but she didn't say a word, Rudolph just gave her a meaningful look, and then Leave. He also loved these two people so much that he would not hesitate to die for them.

These silent lens language, I don’t think you can read novels. The TV series magnify the expressions and moods of the characters infinitely. We have no intention of evaluating who is a good person and who is a villain. In real life, good and evil are inherently subjective and one-sided concepts. At the moment of life and death, the most essential and fragile aspect of human beings cannot be concealed. In the context of this fictional Germany and Japan being a victorious country in World War II, people's selfishness, gloom, and silence have all become traceable. Family affection and love have become the last straw in many cases. The social structure cannot be changed by individuals. You still have a little chance to boast your own happiness.

Love that goes smoothly is gratifying, but those who have experienced frustration, pain, disease and suffering but still have faith in faith seem to be more commendable.

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The Man in the High Castle quotes

  • Joe Blake: [noticing ashes falling like snowflakes] What is that?

    Nazi Police Officer: Oh, that's the hospital.

    Joe Blake: The hospital?

    Nazi Police Officer: Yeah, Tuesdays, they burn cripples, the terminally ill. Drag on the state.

  • Mark Sampson: I don't plan on dying, Frank. But you can't live your life in fear. I was back east at the end of the war, in Boston.

    Frank Frink: Oh, Jesus.

    Mark Sampson: Yeah. You had to see it to believe it, Frank. Overnight, lynch mobs were murdering Jews because suddenly we were less than human.

    Frank Frink: And what did you do?

    Mark Sampson: Well, those of us who came out in one piece. We buried service weapons underground, well wrapped in oil, and we vowed revenge. I got a life to lead, got kids to raise. And Hitler and the Nazis - I mean, I don't care how it looks. They won't last. One thing I realized about my people is we got a different sense of time. These may be dark years, but we'll survive. We always do.