Five flavors and miscellaneous: sad and happy life

Brice 2022-12-24 14:53:30

0. Background:

First talk about racial discrimination in the United States, nigger black slaves, and later create black.

At that time, people thought that there was no discrimination, and a large number of black immigrants poured in.

A civil rights leader in Los Angeles has said if you are going to be a negro in a big city, then LA is the best place to be.

The image of Los Angela's is milk and honey. There is no prejudice in Los Angeles.

Everybody is free to do what they will.

You know, palm trees and sunshine. It's just the ultimate place.

He had aspirations. He knew that he wanted to better his circumstances and LA was the place to do that.

But here is the same, a police chief asked the police to be only white, and to conduct some searches and arrests. The white police have been in conflict with blacks for a long time.

police officers don't take bribes. It's all cleaned up by CP, he turned a corrupt police department into a honest police department.

But he brought a level of being untouchable. Everything at the police academy was white.

At minimum, he was racially insensitive; at maximum, he was racist.

So long as the stubborn attitude is maintained, I can only see the situation worsening.

Then the protagonist OJSimpson appeared...

1 Introduction:

He grew up in a ghetto, and he was very ambitious. Clear self-awareness, pleasing white people.

Can read other people's hearts, speak very well, others are very happy with him.

Friends say that he doesn't fight, and he often gets things done with his lips . OJ never fights he was boisterous.

For example, when he was playing dice with his peers in the toilet in middle school, he was found by the dean and dragged him to see the principal. As a result, OJ said that he was helping the dean to bring these students over, and followed the dean out of the principal's room. It was all right.

Break records and become a star with rugby football speed. He transcends his colour and is very popular. Befriend high-society white people and move to a white, wealthy neighborhood. Endorsement of Hertz car rental Hertz and so on. Retired as an actor. Invest in business.

Play golf with white people, but with poor skills. The quality of the ball is not good either. Sometimes, in order to cover up lying, he even carries a ball in his pocket. White friends say golf is about honesty, and he clearly doesn't fit the rules of high society.

Womanizing. Pry the best buddy's girlfriend, get married and have children. Then cheated on Nicole, a 19-year-old white man. Derailed in remarriage, all kinds of girlfriends, Nicole, who is pregnant and fat, is a pig. Perennial domestic violence. Nicole: hes gonna kill me one day.

2. Living the lie of self-deception

immune from reality that he is black

Hanging out with white people all the year round. Rarely speak out for African Americans.

But he was not out there, publicly, fighting for African Americans. I think each person who is in the limelight has a obligation to make things better for the last, the lost, the least, the left out, and the looked over.

3. Nicole called the police more than ten times because of domestic violence, and the double-sided OJ was finally exposed

Two sides of OJ

Suffered from his pride. A megalomaniac who hires a manager to maintain his public image.

He has a strong desire to control, and arranges what Nicole wears, eats, and speaks... Treat Nicole as his own private property.

He was Obsessed with controlling Nicole.

That's my property, that's my booty.

The uncontrollable part of Nicole is her charm and the cause of her death.

What she most attracted to you at the beginning often becomes what you hate the most after marriage.

There was something about her that was almost unattainable to him, something that he couldn't quite control. That's part of the attraction.

And I think, in the final analysis, that's what got her killed.

Others will ask why he insults and beats Nicole?

Abusers blame their victims, for the cycle of violence.

Nicole's family opposes her divorce because oj is the source of income for Nicole's parents and even her sister. How do I feel that Nicole's parents indirectly killed Nicole. During the separation, they even hired someone to monitor Nicole and hid outside the house to monitor Nicole and her boyfriend all night.

Finally Nicole decided to leave oj, oj felt unable to control Nicole, and finally in 1994, he killed Nicole and her lover.

4. Negro's revenge. Year-long murder trial, jury finds Oj not guilty

The elected mayor did not want to lose the popular support of the black community, so he chose the DTLA court, and there were many black jurors. Many good jurors turned down a six-month trial. An old aunt on a jury said Nicole to oj:

Don't stay in the water, if it's over your head, you'll drown.

oj smiled cordially with the jury during the trial, with cordiality in front of the camera and drooping face behind the camera.

What was remarkable about him was his ability to turn on the charisma. In a moment, he could smile. He knew when the camera was on him. He would be, have a really benign expression. When the camera moved away from him, the face fell.

He lives a double-sided life, telling lies, deceiving others first to deceive himself. Claims that he did not kill his wife, but the evidence is conclusive.

His defense lawyers played the card of racial discrimination and did everything they could to overturn the case. Replaced the picture of his house with all white people and replaced it with a bunch of niggas, black glowing. The prosecution's lawyers and witnesses are being tricked everywhere...the case finally murdered, and it turned into la police discriminating against niggas and tampering with evidence...bullshit...

He didn't do anything for black people in the past, but now he has the support of a group of black people. Everyone is like being brainwashed and only willing to believe what they want to believe. In the end, the jury acquitted Oj for the long-term mistreatment of blacks by the white police. Black people really don't like it at all.

$50,000 a day for lawyers, in the end this is not a victory for black people, just because he is oj, a rich black.

Instead of ordinary black people killing white wives, not so many black people came out to protest and support, and get him into jail in minutes.

5. The victim's father sued and oj was fined $33 million.

This time, instead of the DTLA court, it was in Ssnta Monica, where the jury unanimously found him guilty.

He refused to pay, so his property was confiscated, moved to Florida, and started the daily life of black people eating fried chicken / wearing big gold chains / wearing floral clothes

Broken jars, falling from the peaks they climbed. How can there still be the appearance of the upper-class star...

oj was in Las Vegas, Neveda, he was plotted, that someone stole his things and sold them, and oj planned a gun robbery.

The white man fought back and was sentenced to 33 years in prison. In fact, in 2017, it was released in 9 years.

The smarter people are, the easier it is to dig their own graves. When he kills people, he can be betrayed and innocent, he feels that he is a god, almighty narcissistic.

Everyone in this world comes from different backgrounds. It seems unfair, but it is actually fair. In higher positions, there are greater worries, and there are more desires.

He is fake... He is lost... He is empty...

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Extended Reading

O.J.: Made in America quotes

  • O.J. Simpson: [last lines, recorded on June 17, 1994] I don't know how I ended up here. I just don't know how I ended up here. I thought I lived a great life. I thought I treated everybody well. I went out of my way to make everybody comfortable and happy. I felt the goodness in myself and the goodness I gave people. I don't feel any goodness in myself right now. I feel empty. I feel totally empty. I felt I have some last thing I gotta say to somebody. Please remember me as the Juice. Please remember me as a good guy. Please.

  • Bill Hodgman: [after the not guilty verdict was read] Later I was talking with the deputy sheriff after he had taken jurors to where they were released. He said all across the parking lot there were high fives, cheers and smiles from black people and I heard it over and over: "That was payback for Rodney King."