Patient 2: Do you think I'm a sex addict? Counselor: No, I think you are an alcoholic. We have discussed that this is a misleading term. Patient: All kinds of women when I was young. Counselor: I know you are very active in this regard. Patient: I got married 10 years ago and promise not to fuck. Counselor: You take it as a responsibility. Patient: Yes. Counselor: Do you love your wife? Patient: Of course, she's amazing. It's sex addiction. I have to go to the ascetic society. Counselor: You are not a sex addict, and if you know when you are tempted, there are ways to help you. Patient: Tell a story about phone calls and listening to pornography. Continue to say that it is the disease of sex addiction. Counselor: If you think calling your admiral friend will help you stay faithful to your wife, then it's not surprising. But you have to admit that you are an alcoholic. Patient: When necessary. Counselor: Don't lie to yourself! Patient: I want to go back to my original life and stop messing around. You have to help me. I'm scared. Counselor: We've known each other for a long time, and you just asked me to allow you to cheat on your wife.
Patient 3: I want to make music all over the world, rock is my career, that's who I am. Rock is a happy thing. Counselor: Are you comfortable? Patient: Very comfortable. Wife: I think he's a little selfish. Patient: I am not selfish, what is selfishness. Counselor: Selfishness is when a person ignores others and only cares about himself. Patient: I'm going to the toilet. and leave. Wife: He's not always like this, it's like I'm on the sidelines, not with him, I'm just... Counselor: Numb!
A counselor's dream: Going to rescue a drowning man on a boat and finding it is himself.
Patient 4 Counselor: Can you tell me what happened to your hand? Patient: It is in the file. Counselor: I want to hear from you. Patient: Hammered the mirror in the toilet. Counselor: What's the matter. Patient: I don't want to talk. Counselor: Do you often skip class? Patient: I went to the movies. Counselor: Do you like watching movies? Patient: No, I hate it. Counselor: I want to know what's going on in your life? Patient: It is in the file. Counselor: I didn't know it was about your mother. Patient: I don't want to talk about this. Counselor: I know the feeling of losing someone. Patient: Bullshit. leave.
Second consultation with the counselor: How was your week, did you watch a movie? The Patient: Apocalypse Now. Patient: If big people come to you for treatment, why do you care about a little person like me? Counselor: Do you have any questions? Patient: When did I say I had a problem? Counselor: I think you just said that. Patient: I don't want to face myself. Counselor: This week? Patient: I don't want to face myself.
For the third consultation, the patient brought the suicide note written by his mother. The consultant opens it up. The patient cried. Embrace. The patient asked: Did you say the reason? Consultant: No.
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